Canada - China Trade Deal

A very sad truth about our country, not willing to invest in producing our own resources, but easily selling out to foreign interests.
Interesting as last night both Obama and Romney essentially said they will not be doing business with China. In fact, Romney probably had a few eyebrows raising in China from his comments.
When i started in the plumbing wholesale business in 1980, Canadians produced in our own factories about 90 % of what we sold...
the other 10 % came from the U.S. and Europe.
32 years later there are no Canadian factories left, simply warehouses that contain product imported from China ,India and other 3rd world producers.

Thousands of Canadian jobs were lost to cheaper product mass produced in Asian plants.
Move along ... no story here...
We need to support the sale of all our national resources.
Strip and ship is what is called for by our think tanks.
The profits are being used for shelters in countries like Barbados, Cayman Islands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Monaco and Liechtenstein.

I support harpo and his fellas at the tax department for giving those countries help with their shelters.
They have made it easy for wealthy Canadians and Canadian corporation to help build these shelters in those countries.
We sure don't need the money here, and I hear that there is an advantage in investing in those poor countries.
It's not like we need jobs or investment in Canada do we?
I don't think there is anything secret about the Chinese acquisitions (read partnerships) of large oil producers in Northern Alberta - and although that doesn't preclude approval of the Northern Gateway project they (Enbridge) will certainly not hav an easy time passing this one.
There is a call to challenge this agreement in court.
The provinces are going to have to do it.
They have been stripped of there powers under this agreement.
Will see how it plays out.
I was around for the one with the US and as a country we had a debate.
Even made it an election issue.
What happened here is a crime and should be treated as such.
This agreement,basically signed in secret (who here had prior knowledge of it?), is not just a trade deal.

The Chinese can use 100% of their own workers here if they like and are not subject to almost any of the laws that govern working operations in Canada. The use of exclusively Chinese workers is already taking place further up north in B.C.

They say they will add Canadians later.

They don't have to pay minimum wage here. They are basically immune from labor laws.

Down in Vancouver they are building a mega coal-processing machine to sell to the Chinese. It was on the news last night.

So you're a naughty little Canadian if you advocate the use of fossil fuels here. But you will be patted on the back if you advocate shipping coal to China and building big machines for them to use it.

By the way:- don't forget to turn off all but one light in your house so the hundreds of people moving into subdivisions all around you will be able to have some electrical power.

And:- I wouldn't believe anything Mitt Romney says.
His specialty was 'corporate fixing'. Roughly translated that means using any means possible to put a failing company into the black. Getting rid of people didn't concern him at all.
He is a Mormon. He was a Mormon bishop before he got into politics. The reason he got into politics is because he believes the Mormons have a manifest destiny to rule America.

Food for thought.
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On-line petition

You can sign and on-line petition opposing this agreement here:-

Several environmental groups and the Federal NDP are urging us to write to the Conservative Members of the Standing Committee on International Trade asking them to support an NDP motion to have a debate in Parliament about this Bill before it is signed and we are handcuffed for the next 31 years!!

Full details of the motion is here:

These Conservative guys are here:

Rob Merrifield
Ron Cannan
Russ Hiebert
Ed Holder
Gerald Keddy
Bev Shipley
Devinder Shory

I am writing now.....:mad:
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