Campion boats company sold

My first boat was an Explorer 195 Fishing Machine, my current boat is a 542 Explorer. I love Campions
Don’t know if it’s good or bad, but the company I work for builds for them and let’s just say we almost quit doing it. Things might be different under new owners, but only time will tell.

I’ll clarify that comment by saying only for the last 5 years or so.
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It's never a good thing when a company with "Private Equity" "Capital" "financial" ect.. in their name buys a company. All about making a return no matter the cost to the assets. Its likely to get sold for pieces or sold to someone else. If the company is nice and profitable on its on they will keep it but they will expect to double their money over a reasonable period of time. That means squeezing what they can every quarter.
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It's never a good thing when a company with "Private Equity" "Capital" "financial" ect.. in their name buys a company. All about making a return no matter the cost to the assets. Its likely to get sold for pieces or sold to someone else. If the company is nice and profitable on its on they will keep it but they will expect to double their money over a reasonable period of time. That means squeezing what they can every quarter.

Not necessarily wildman, most investment firms this day and age expect a decent return on their investment I don't think anybody expects to double their money. Banks will earn you 2% max, most investment houses will pay between 3-7% depending on your risk tolerance. For these investment firms anything over 7% in considered premium and they are happy with that. Most of these private firms are just old boys clubs with money to play with and like to earn themselves anything above premium. Good on them, what the heck atleast their money is being used it's not sitting in the bank getting moldy, it's out their working and creating work and in the system keeping the wheels going round.
Retiring owner (Mr. Elliot) is the neighbour of a good friend. He's very happy to be stepping back. The only other thing I know is that Campion has acquired several other labels and their designs over the past few years. Reinell is one. I don't know if those assets are worth much.