bath tub?


Active Member
Interesting sight this afternoon off Whiffin Spit. In the big wind waves off the end of the spit, two boats, one an aluminum with a standup console, the second what looked to be a bathtub in a boat. About 7' long, aluminum, with low gunnels and bow, and then a bathtub in the stern...guy sitting the tub, steering a 10hp tiller motor. Just givin' her! Jumps, carves in the waves, even saw him do some kind of skateboard style 180 jump. Then he hits a wave wrong, gets thrown boat comes in, pulls him out. The bathtub is half under water, motor submerged, bow sticking up nearly straight...they tie a rope and tow it, seems to come out of the water (must have some kind of self draining hull?). I had to head back, lost sight of them heading into that bay towards east sooke.

Anyone know what's up with that? Or maybe it is one of you?

Enquiring minds want to know...
quote:Originally posted by nedarb2

probably practicing for the bathrub races out of nanaimo

yup, that's it for sure. Looked exactly like one of these:

pretty haywire, fun for sure! Boat had amazing responsiveness and a waverunner.

I bet that race would be a gas...could see how this would start, bunch of buddies who are handy with boats, have spare parts sitting around, and a bit of time on their hands. A challenge is made and a race is born. Many beverages consumed, before, during, after.
you see them for sale time to time-
their engines are super modded to give them more performance (limitation on engine displacement)
they race from nanaimo to horshoe bay (and back?) i believe
super modded...that would make sense, a little more performance than the 8 horse yammy kicker I have! Funny thing is, the motor on bathtub and support boat looked like while 70s specials. Given they dunked the bathtub motor, and probably pretty regular to do so, I'm thinking someone is handy with drying out a motor and getting it going again.

For race course, I think they stopped the cross the Strait race a few years back, I think for logistics about where the party will be at the end (and because Vancouver generally didn't care, but a huge deal in Nanaimo). Now it's a circular course outside Nanaimo, ends up same place it starts.