Anchovy special or large teaser


Well-Known Member
K, I'm straying from my norm as I've always used the small anchovy and it was obvious. My question is for the 5-6" anchovy, do you still use the special, or do you shove them in the teaser? I just recall having big 'small' anchovy last year and I had a heck of a time getting the heads in and toothpick through.....

Over thinking and you just stuff the bigger anchovy in the small head? It does say for all size anchovy!

Any suggestions as to ideal size in sooke? 5-6 the best, or even moving to larger herring?

quote:Originally posted by Deewar25

K, I'm straying from my norm as I've always used the small anchovy and it was obvious. My question is for the 5-6" anchovy, do you still use the special, or do you shove them in the teaser? I just recall having big 'small' anchovy last year and I had a heck of a time getting the heads in and toothpick through.....

Over thinking and you just stuff the bigger anchovy in the small head? It does say for all size anchovy!

Any suggestions as to ideal size in sooke? 5-6 the best, or even moving to larger herring?


I'd use the same teaser head. Increase your hook size to 3/0 or 4/0 if your chovies are THAT meaty.

Otherwise, medium herring in a Super Minnow Teaser you the same cut plug action at a faster speed.

Anchovies are getting mighty pricey at this time of year depending on where you are.

I've been spending time on getting gear to produce as good as bait, and I'm finding that it works just as well.

Depends on the situation though.
Try the new JFD teaser head it will handle a large anchovy with no problem. The also come in the same if not better colours.
I've fished herring in anchovy specials, just crush the head/eye sockets. This also works for large anchovy. I'm actually thinking of just using herring in the specials I already have instead of buying herring holders. The herring seemed to role better and was easier to work with due to its size.