All Things COVID-19

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There must be a tipping point where the vaccine risks don't outweigh the benefit. It's probably right around age 40 and under, depending on your own unique health condition. There are tons of reports of young people suffering myocarditis immediately after the mRna vaccines. These are a subset with virtually no covid risk. Obviously the data isn't available because they aren't testing for it but would not be surprised if it's much higher than believed. Typically heart inflammation will heal in its own but in rare cases cardiac arrest. I believe some countries are recommending suspending exercise immediately following vaccine for a certain period of time to guard against this. It's not as cut and dry decision as some would have you believe.
If he got the actual virus he would be having pretty well the same symptoms as the common flu. Unless of course he had other medical conditions which is why so many deaths were attributed to covid when in fact it was the other conditions
Yeah?? Is this your actual experience With Covid or it’s just credible information off the Telegram app?
I’m not getting into it. I tell a story of a guy that almost died of the vaccine and you spin it back to the virus. Stay woke buddy .
Thanks for the enlightenment.
your commentary about issues with the vaccine was bit more than a story though. To each their own but if you were close to a healthy and young person who ended up in a hospital b/c of this virus and was still dealing with the nasty side effects, you’d be telling a different story. BTW, the vaccine is meant to deal with the virus so no need to spin anything.
Imagine if your 75 YO tenant got the actual virus. What kind of ramp would’ve been walking up with a real infection?
I think this is a really interesting question.

I know some research indicated that the spike protein itself was cytotoxic, although I didn't follow it closely enough to know whether that's been corroborated by anyone else. If it's true, though, a really low viral load of actual covid might have similar but fewer consequences but a high load would probably be a lot worse.

So the question is hard to answer because infection isn't actually a binary thing. But it would be interesting to know, if it ever becomes possible, if there's something about the people who react badly to the vaccine, that would also make them react badly to the virus. It seems plausible but I don't know if anyone knows the answer yet.

Anyway if the 75 year old passed an infected jogger in a hallway and got a really mild exposure, he might be fine. If he shared a room with a fully infected patient, he might be getting wheeled down that ramp but he probably wouldn't be walking up it.
There is lots of talk about adverse reactions to the vaccines. You just have to get past global and cbc news which report nothing. The people posting adverse reactions are not anti vaxxers. They actually believed in covid and the vaccine. Get the telegram app and get informed.
Yeah I won’t be getting that app, thanks.


If you have questions about the safety of the vaccines here is where I would go.​
If that does not answer your question then see your doctor.
Here is the latest misinformation that is debunked by

COVID-19 Vaccine-Generated Spike Protein is Safe, Contrary to Viral Claims​

Posted on July 1, 2021

Hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered safely in the United States in the last six months. There is no evidence to indicate that the spike proteins generated by human cells following vaccination are a toxin or that they circulate in the body and damage tissues, contrary to what a Canadian virus immunologist recently claimed.

All of the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved in the United States are designed to instruct human cells to make harmless spike proteins — mimicking a viral protein that’s used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter cells. When the immune system recognizes the proteins, which aren’t normally there, it starts generating antibodies and building an immune response against them. The process prepares the body against future infection.

These vaccines have been found to be effective and safe in clinical trials with tens of thousands of participants, and in real world conditions with over 325 million doses administered.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the “most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history” has found that most of the reported side effects after COVID-19 vaccination are minor, such as pain at the injection site or fever. Severe adverse reactions to the vaccines have been rare.

Yet, a Canadian virus immunologist recently claimed that the vaccine’s spike protein is “a pathogenic protein,” “a toxin” that gets into the bloodstream, then accumulates in breast milk and “in a number of tissues” and could lead to cardiovascular and neurological damage in adults, children and infants.

“We made a big mistake,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College, during an interview with Canadian radio personality Alex Pierson on May 27. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”

According to his profile, Bridle’s research focuses on biotherapies for the treatment of cancers and the way organisms respond to viruses. Since the pandemic started, his lab has been trying to develop vaccines against coronaviruses, for which he received a $230,000 grant from the Ontario government.

Bridle’s interview was reposted by several publications, including one owned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anti-vaccination organization. Segments of the interview were widely spread in social media platforms in English and Spanish.

But researchers and health officials told there is no “mistake” and that there is no evidence to support Bridle’s claims.

There is no evidence that the spike protein in vaccines “is toxic or that it lingers at any toxic level in the body after vaccination,” an FDA spokesperson told us in an email.

Jason McLellan, a structural biologist at the University of Texas at Austin who has been studying spike proteins in other coronaviruses for years and whose work was fundamental for the development of COVID-19 vaccines, said Bridle’s statements are not correct.

“The spike protein is not pathogenic. It is not a toxin,” McLellan told us in an email. “I have not seen any data to support what Bridle claims.”

Bridle, who in the radio show said he’s “very much pro-vaccine,” says his claims are “completely backed up by peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known and well-respected scientific journals.”

But authors of two of the studies he cites told us their findings don’t back Bridle’s statements.

“Bridle is taking our results and completely misinterpreting them,” said David R. Walt, a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School and of Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, who co-authored a study that found circulating SARS-CoV-2 vaccine antigen in the plasma of vaccine recipients.

The study, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases in May, collected plasma from 13 health care workers at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston who had received two doses of mRNA vaccine. Researchers detected levels of SARS-CoV-2 protein as early as one day after the first injection in 11 of the 13 participants.

Bridle presents the study as evidence that the spike protein gets into blood circulation.

Walt told us in an email that the aim of the study was to see if an ultrasensitive detection technology, a single-molecule array, could detect circulating antigen produced by the mRNA vaccine to demonstrate the vaccine is working as designed.

“We found we could detect extremely low concentrations of S1 (a subunit of spike) in 11 of 13 healthy vaccinated individuals and the full spike in 3 of 13,” he said in an email, noting that the technology they used is 1,000 times more sensitive than a typical antigen test, “so we are really detecting minute quantities of the spike and S1 proteins.” (Emphasis is his).

“We found that within a few days of the antigen appearing, the individuals developed antibodies that removed the antigen from the bloodstream,” he added. “Our conclusion was that the vaccine is working as intended.”

Walt, a pathology professor, added there is no evidence that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein that causes damage in several tissues.

“COVID, on the other hand, is known to have significant effects on many tissues and organs,” he said. “The most important message is that over 400 million doses of the mRNA vaccine have been administered with negligible serious consequences. It is incredibly safe.”

more here...
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It's pretty scary how quickly any questioning of the vaccine gets shut down, and how the media either doesn't cover vaccine related issues, or downplays them.

I got the vaccine, but honestly felt a bit uneasy about it for this reason. There has been very little discussion about acceptable risk when it comes to the vaccine, especially for young (sub 30) heathy people who are at basically zero risk of covid.

Then you have all the anti Vax misinformation out there, which continues to get muddled with legitimate vaccine safety issues.

Then the government runs ads saying, "don't worry, the vaccines are perfectly safe", which we know is not the case, further eroding trust in anyone who is a bit unsure that they're getting the whole story.

I found this article this morning from public health Ontario analyzing severe adverse events rates from the vaccines.

No pro or anti-vax propaganda here.
young people gets shots for measles,mumps,rubella,chicken pox ect. covids going to be added to this list

its about creating a community immunity and that outweighs the individuals risks.

I have a friend who in grade 8, got vaccinated and his liver went auto immune from the Hepatitis B vaccine, in grade 12 started going down hill. by collage needed a liver transplant, had a stoke etc..

things do happen
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It's pretty scary how quickly any questioning of the vaccine gets shut down, and how the media either doesn't cover vaccine related issues, or downplays them.

I got the vaccine, but honestly felt a bit uneasy about it for this reason. There has been very little discussion about acceptable risk when it comes to the vaccine, especially for young (sub 30) heathy people who are at basically zero risk of covid.

Then you have all the anti Vax misinformation out there, which continues to get muddled with legitimate vaccine safety issues.

Then the government runs ads saying, "don't worry, the vaccines are perfectly safe", which we know is not the case, further eroding trust in anyone who is a bit unsure that they're getting the whole story.

I found this article this morning from public health Ontario analyzing severe adverse events rates from the vaccines.

No pro or anti-vax propaganda here.
I’m with you on this. I got vaccinated as well but it’s not like I put all that much faith in it, I did it for work reasons. Personally I‘m not that afraid of the virus, my wife and I live a very heathy life style and for all intensive purposes the vaccine posses as much of a risk to us as does the vaccine. Neither one scares me really.

But like you I really dislike the treatment of those that think outside the box. It’s just so apparent this day and age people are being pushed into line so easily. People have lost the thought process all together and are so easily manipulated. Anyone that goes against the flow is given any number of labels and almost forced into and shamed into line, it’s very disheartening. It’s crowd bullying is what it boils down to. Those that supposedly stand against all this are the most guilty of it, but hasn’t this just been the history of those anyways. Many of our Marxist friends on here think all is Aces with this whole process and will do what they can to manipulate others into line.
My wife was knocked on her butt after her second Pfizer shoot. Never seen her so sick. It lasted for 24hrs then she got better. We just had a girl at work who had to be taken out in a wheel chair due to a reaction from her second dose this morning.

I did my part for society & I got both shots. My second shot sucked for me also. Felt like a bad hangover. But do not expect me to give it to my kids who are 8 & 10 yrs old. Never will i inject them with something that is that hard on the body in order to protect them from something that wont hurt them. Its like giving them elephant repellent to protect them,...

Im not anti vax & yes my kids are immunized with all the recommended shots. Each is immunized against severe outcome dieses.

We should be able to talk about this stuff..
My wife was knocked on her butt after her second Pfizer shoot. Never seen her so sick. It lasted for 24hrs then she got better. We just had a girl at work who had to be taken out in a wheel chair due to a reaction from her second dose this morning.

I did my part for society & I got both shots. My second shot sucked for me also. Felt like a bad hangover. But do not expect me to give it to my kids who are 8 & 10 yrs old. Never will i inject them with something that is that hard on the body in order to protect them from something that wont hurt them. Its like giving them elephant repellent to protect them,...

Im not anti vax & yes my kids are immunized with all the recommended shots. Each is immunized against severe outcome dieses.

We should be able to talk about this stuff..
We have 3 sons, the oldest and his wife have had their kids, 3 children. But our middle and youngest have not started families yet, the middle boy is getting married this fall and the youngest is in a relationship. None of our boys are interested in any of the vaccines not by a long shot. For young men and women there hasn’t been enough time or studies done as to what possible effects these vaccines may have on reproductive systems. It’s just not worth the risk for many. There is nothing wrong with giving these methods some time to play out and just see if there are any long term effects. I fully support and respect their decisions as should others.
That’s refreshing ! Finally some personal opinions. What a difference between this and “ shut up and get the jab “ !
Honest opinions which we can agree or not
I hope they won’t earn the labels as “ **** disturber , antivaxer, conspirators,
People that think for themselves, take care of themselves and not wait for the authorities to take care of them not to get the flu
That’s refreshing ! Finally some personal opinions. What a difference between this and “ shut up and get the jab “ !
Honest opinions which we can agree or not
I hope they won’t earn the labels as “ **** disturber , antivaxer, conspirators,
People that think for themselves, take care of themselves and not wait for the authorities to take care of them not to get the flu
Trust me, our boys were raised to think for themselves and not give two ***** about what others think about them. Certainly no Marxist wads that’s for sure.
Good luck to our friends in Calgary, hope things workout and everyone stays safe.

COVID-19: Events sector keeps eye on Calgary Stampede to see if mass gatherings can be held safely​

July 9, 2021

The Calgary Stampede officially got underway on Friday and became the first legal mass gathering of people in Alberta since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the province nearly a year-and-a-half ago.


The event’s organizers say while they are excited about it, the 10-day event will be a scaled-down version of past Stampedes. Some areas on the Stampede grounds are restricting entry to visitors who can prove they have been at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19 or are willing to take a rapid COVID-19 test.

Definitely going to be an experiment. Hopefully all goes well as it will set a precedence for the entire country.
Definitely going to be an experiment. Hopefully all goes well as it will set a precedence for the entire country.

I agree, I think the points to watch are hospitalizations & not cases. With Vaccines in arms it should be no worse than a common cold.

Alberta is close to 55% with BOTH shots.

If someone went stampeding with no vaccine then they are on their own now. They can deal with the consequences Society won't shut down to protect them.

The new normal now, is learning to live with infections. That is what AB chief medical officer Dr Hinshaw stated
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Well AB has been wide open for almost 2 weeks now & cases continue to fall. No new outbreaks & hospitalizations dropping like a rock. Avg about 30 new cases/d & none are ending up in hospital. Looks like about 55% of people over 12 yrs/old have second shots. Been down to the stamped & its great. Thousands of folks having a great time enjoying life. Enjoying all the free breakfast & lunches around town.

Cases are expected to jump a bit after stamped, but not hospitalizations. Looks like it will be a great summer this year.

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