Alaska harvesting too many salmon

It is but they will ask us how many Washington fish do we catch? It will cause a trade off of fish unfortunately but needs to done.
It is but they will ask us how many Washington fish do we catch? It will cause a trade off of fish unfortunately but needs to done.
According to Hill, in recent years, Alaskan fisheries have taken half the adult run. In 2023, two Alaskan fishing districts along the B.C. border harvested more salmon than all fisheries in B.C., Washington, Oregon and California combined.
Why would Alaska change? DFO has closed half the coast for the whales, shortened the season, reduced limits, and obliterated the commercial troll fishery. If Canada holds no cards there is no reason for them to change.
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Why would Alaska change? DFO has closed half the coast for the whales, shortened the season, reduced limits, and obliterated the commercial troll fishery. If Canada holds no cards there is no reason for them to change.

you just stated Canadas #1 argument, the fishing has been massively curtailed in this province.
To bad they wont listen.
The yanks only respond to strength not weakness. Washington, Oregon and California have also massively curtailed their fisheries but that hasn't altered Alaska's fishing plans either. Threaten to mine the headwaters of all those streams that feed into Alaska, that might get them to the table.