2023 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Put in an hour yesterday at T-10 on the way in from sampling. Lines down at 3 and got a solid 10 lbs chinook within minutes. Trolled south from Iona Jetty toward the buoy and picked up a feisty pink my buddy bonked.

Passed the buoy as out time ran out at 4 and had a big hit on the deeper rod at 120’. Peeled out line, gained some back, peeled out line. Eventually got the fish to the side of the boat and got him scooped into the net. Forgot to measure him. We’ll call it low 20s.


Both chinook on the big size 5 spoon at 120’. Bigger one was a white, smaller a marble. Hearing about lots of other bigger whites around too as the Harrison / Vedder fish arrive.

As we went in we passed a pair of big male orcas swimming south in the shallows just south of the north arm jetty.
Laid right down now. At SH. 50 boats. 6 seiners. No keepers yet. Just pinks. View attachment 97906
I stuck my head out as far as the bell boy this afternoon, just to check out conditions and my new hip to see if I can take the bouncing and rocking. I was pleasantly surprised to see everybody except one conforming to the SRKW zone. I also saw the afternoon charter fleet, screaming out of False Creek with Rain City right in the middle of the pack.
I stuck my head out as far as the bell boy this afternoon, just to check out conditions and my new hip to see if I can take the bouncing and rocking. I was pleasantly surprised to see everybody except one conforming to the SRKW zone. I also saw the afternoon charter fleet, screaming out of False Creek with Rain City right in the middle of the pack.
Currently at a Sandheads cutting fuel lines and bypassing filters to trynand get my kicker going. No luck. Joy
Did anyone read thru the latest updates from DFO. Came out this morning . Something that caught my eye

Limited commercial fisheries in Area 29 directed at Fraser Pink Salmon, with non-retention of Sockeye, are open. Please refer to the most recent Fishery Notice for specific open times and areas.

I note it only says non retention of sockeye. Nothing about Chinook or Coho.
So if they are a bycatch they keep them?
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