
jack fish

Hey everybody what type of knots are most guys using for tying backing too braid and braid too mono top shot. Trading my level winds for mooching reels for this years lake trout fishing.

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Albright all the way.
So easy that a kid can do it.
Rock solid and durable.
Thanks for the replies. Tied a bunch of Albright Knots and destruction tested them. Too make sure I tied them right they should be fine. The other options are interesting too.

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What's the purpose of tying backing to braid back to mono?

I use braided as a solid mainline and flurocarbon leaders. Works good and it's easy to maintain. No pesky knots going through your eyelets.
I use the good Scotty clips and never had an issue with 30 pound braid?
I heard this has been an issue at the fish and tackle store but never experinced this problem
What's the purpose of tying backing to braid back to mono?

I use braided as a solid mainline and flurocarbon leaders. Works good and it's easy to maintain. No pesky knots going through your eyelets.

As well as the grip on the clip issue, about 30 ft top shot of mono makes for a more forgiving setup with a hot fish coming to the boat. It's the best of both worlds, the braid has far less stretch when fishing deep but that mono top shot calms it down a bit close to the boat.
Knot or not?.A sailor comes in from sea and finds a lady of the night, and takes her to a hotel.After a hour there the sailor asks how he is doing.The lady replys "your doing three Knots"."Three knots?" the sailor replys."yes three Knots" the lady says, and replys" your not in ,your not hard,and your not getting your money back". sorry for the hijack
As well as the grip on the clip issue, about 30 ft top shot of mono makes for a more forgiving setup with a hot fish coming to the boat. It's the best of both worlds, the braid has far less stretch when fishing deep but that mono top shot calms it down a bit close to the boat.

I usually run my lines pretty far back off the boat when fishing clear lakes otherwise I would defiantly give that a try, I did lose the odd fish during the fight but not since I started leaving my boat in gear while bringing him in , I figured it was because of the no stretch braid and barbless hook(never happens when I have a conventional hook on)the only time I loose them at the boat is when the old lady knocks one off with the net.

You guys have a lot of good tricks, I enjoy reading the forum and seeing all the different methods. I've even adopted a few of them