WTB Braided DR line

I use a scotty snubber on the end of the 200lb power pro
and believe that it helps with breakoffs.
works great for bottom bouncing.
I have 250 Scotty line that is good for another year at least before it gets replaced. It has taken a LOT of abuse in the last two yrs. No problems-- I just make sure I put on the 15lb cannon balls, and not my 12s when fishing deep.
I rarely fish deeper then 90ft, however part of that is because I hated pulling up the balls from that depth, I might go deeper now that I have the electrics LOL. So anyone got any? Seems like the post turned into a discussion about braided rather then someone having some for sale. Let me know 3 days and counting lol
MY GOD JUST GO FISHING!!!! seems people are bored on here lately..... LOL LOL including me
I have 2 rolls of 300ft each 175lb test scotty braid you can have them both for 50$ i used them for 1 day then went back to wire. Let me know and i'll go out to the boat and getem for ya.
Simple wire is better..... whats the voltage on braid anyways?????

Just what i like. i tried the braid for one day and won't ever do it again. but for anybody looking for some cheap braid i've got it.
So Bananas why did you switch back to wire after one day with braid?

This topic brings up some questions I have been thinking about for a while. It is true that braid carries no voltage, but does anyone know how much voltage there actually is around your lure when using a black box?

Depending the length of your leaders and where you clip your downrigger line to your mainline your lure could by 20-30 ft away from the downrigger line which is the only thing that will carry a current with a black box since the mainline, downrigger line and the cannonball are all connected by non-conducting plastic clips. Does anyone know how far away the current goes around your downrigger line in the water?

So what are the fish more attracted to? The vibrations, sight and scent of your lure/bait (which I assume braided users would agree to) or by the postive electric charge around your downrigger line?

One could argue that the more overall attraction the better (which I assume the wire guys agree too), but then how do you explain the growing number of guys using braid and saying that they notice little or no difference is catch levels since they switched? Are they mistaken?

Just FYI I still use wire, but am toying with the idea of switching to braid, because I've heard it can more durable, easier to use, has less drag and in the long run cheaper to use. Still undecided right now. Appreciate any answers to my questions.
Sometimes its better for fish to come see whats going on rather than them having to see whats going on
So Bananas why did you switch back to wire after one day with braid?

Just FYI I still use wire, but am toying with the idea of switching to braid, because I've heard it can more durable, easier to use, has less drag and in the long run cheaper to use. Still undecided right now. Appreciate any answers to my questions.

If you decide to switch, go to the 200lb powerpro (nothing else)
IMHO you won't go back to wire once your used to it
Whole in the water i just belive in a scratch fishery where there are sometimes up to a hundred boats in a area competing for a few fish that if your boat and gear are tuned just rite you will actually attract fish. But thats just my theory . If your fishing deep or where there are lots of fish i don't think it matters as much. i don't want to start a debate about which is better ,there are pages on that if you do a search .
HEY spring sure ill take you got any "free" gas and "free" bait or "free" time ??? LOL LOL LOL

Braid sucks but thats just my opinion like trev tried it for a week didnt like the blow back and gave it a good go still dont like it, and yes it breaks just as good as anything I personally havent lost a ball in about 4 years from breaking as a GOOD swival is very important.. look it up ive posted pics before....in the past....
I switched to Power Pro 200# a couple of years ago and would not go back to wire for the following reasons. First, as I often fish (where angels fear to tread, LOL) bottom bouncing too close to structure I was destroying (fraying) cable regularly. Second, the thinner braids like I use do not seem to have any blow-back issues, unlike thicker products like Scotty's offerings. Third, it is tough!! Fourth, I have not had any issues at all regarding catching, other than my normal incompetence level. I actually have been steadily improving my performance, to the point where I can reasonably expect to do fairly well...most days. I do, however, use good clips and gangion on the (15#) balls. Just my 1 1/2 cents worth.