
Meh. I think the 15 million being reinvested is more important than a file picture some PR firm used. To be honest I doubt many people in BC regardless of political affiliation would know the difference, unless they are fishermen. Sad that the good news is hijacked by a foolishly selected picture.
IMO another example of how out of touch the Harper govt. is with fishing related issues on the west coast. The $15 million while helpful is nothing more than just trying to buy votes for watering down the Fisheries Act, Navigable Waters Act, Endangered Species Act the environmental assessment process, allowing the expansion of the net pen salmon feedlots (despite recommendations against it in the Cohen Commission Report) and dick all to protect and promote salmon. All they have done is to help clear the way for tar sands pipelines and oil tankers on the west coast.
Wouldn't be at all surprised if the Cons pledge to increase our coast guard fleet/staff on the west coast. The amount of money will likely be only a small fraction of the funds that they have already wrongfully pilfered from our already shrinking CG services, in attempt to fake a surplus budget. Complete with a now hiring poster, likely featuring an American CG crew...
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