when does commercial crab season start

the butcher

Well-Known Member
I never keep track of the dates when the commercial crabbers are out but I recall from memory that it was sometime mid to end of June. My buddy was telling me it was in Mid to end of July. If one's here knows the dates, can you tell me if it's the same day every year or does it change? When was it last year? thanks
I haven’t checked this year, not sure if it is released yet, but last year boundary bay was July 10th. However it’s different all over.
thanks for the info. I had thought boundary bay and sandheads/tsawwasen had the same start times each year but I guess they don't. My usual spots seem to be producing only undersized and female crabs. Guess I'll wait till later in the season and head out more often then.
thanks for the info. I had thought boundary bay and sandheads/tsawwasen had the same start times each year but I guess they don't. My usual spots seem to be producing only undersized and female crabs. Guess I'll wait till later in the season and head out more often then.

don’t bother with boundary bay. Last year it took a hit. Hasn’t recovered. I keep my boat in Cresent beach and have had traps out there for at least 6 weeks. Pulled in maybe 8 keepers... granted it can be a week between checks, but still not where it has been in the past.
don’t bother with boundary bay. Last year it took a hit. Hasn’t recovered. I keep my boat in Cresent beach and have had traps out there for at least 6 weeks. Pulled in maybe 8 keepers... granted it can be a week between checks, but still not where it has been in the past.

A buddy recently went out this past weekend to crescent beach and got skunked. Lots of unders and females. He talked to 2 other guys who were out on the same stretch of water this weekend and they also had a tough time. A few wears back it was always a great place to anchor for a few hours to set traps and get nicely rewarded. When you say it got hit last year, what do you mean? Every year the commercial guys litter the bay once commercial season starts so what was different last year?