What was being netted below mission bridge Apr 11


Active Member
Did anyone else drive over the mission bridge on sunday and see the guys netting between the bridges? I thought we were closed to chinook retention to protect early season stocks of concern?
Did anyone else drive over the mission bridge on sunday and see the guys netting between the bridges? I thought we were closed to chinook retention to protect early season stocks of concern?
Call it in to the observe, record & report line of DFO 18004654336 .
Eulachon is a thing this time of year too. Someone posted a link to fishery openings here last year and most of the early season fishing was associated with non salmon targets.
Eulachon is a possibility. But one would think it would be easy to tell the difference between Eulachon and salmon gill nets even @ a distance.
Somebody needs to record what’s going on if chinook are being targeted and then try to find a media outlet with the balls to air it
If chinook are closed to protect early run stocks and they’re fishing them it needs to be made public and questions asked
I believe The openings are for pretty limited numbers of fish...often 2 or 3.

Its the nets that aren't associated with an opening that are trouble