We didn't start the fire.


Well-Known Member
Much appreciated!
Been around long enough to have seen a several these in real time. LOL
[n-y1-eXjJ_g] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n-y1-eXjJ_g
Very good post Gunner and well done by Mr. Joel and video dude.

Might be cool to put it out there to see which image/reference in the song & video struck the heaviest chord in each of us?

I'll go first (at the risk of dating myself): Bridget Bardot

The 'pig' I am...
I guess that for me it was when I was in grade seven our teacher announced that president Kennedy had been assassinated. and also living in Ottawa during the peak of the cold war the air raid sirens used to freak me out.
The song is quite catchy and funny, but really it's just a long list of words :p Do like it though. Classic.
No criticism meant but you must be a young sprout, most of those list of words were historical events or eras.
You see this when you are older you will look back at your time and see what we see.

The song is quite catchy and funny, but really it's just a long list of words :p Do like it though. Classic.
Did you see the "Shake and Bake scene" ?

well i've always liked that song, but i dont think i was alive for any of it except for maybe the "michael jackson cola war"....lol.....holmes*
He was filming a Pepsi commercial and the fireworks lit up his hair. While he was shakin' he was bakin'.