Wanted/Trade/Buy Bradley Smoker

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
I have a 4 rack. Thinking about buying a 6 rack. You got one you want to sell? You know where I can get a good deal on one? You want mine when I find one?

Please PM or Email me.
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I've read stories of people getting them cheap right from Bradley, the "scratch and dent" ones that were a bit marked up during shipping.

Might be an option for you if you haven't heard of that.
Already done both of the last two suggestion..... :)

Only problem with turning a 4 into an 8 is condensation. Condensation is the Bradley's biggest down fall.
Hello, FA.
Having much success with my 4 racker, double stacking.
What is this condensation you are writing about?
Hello, FA.
Having much success with my 4 racker, double stacking.
What is this condensation you are writing about?
It is caused by lack of ventilation in the box. I now start my unit with the vent fully open and the door cracked open to prevent this...or start my fish off in my dehydrator.

Bradley needs to come out with a unit that has more ventilation and a circulation fan.