Thread of the Year

I am more than a little surprised & humbled that a hunting tale was liked as much as it was on our fishing forum!
Nice to know that the efforts to post it were appreciated.

I look eagerly forward to reading many more fine stories our members provide down the road, and do hope I will be able to provide a few myself again from time to time.

Many thanks to each of the Contenders, Admin for putting this together, Pacific Net & Twine and Scotty, and to every member out there who contributes to this fine Forum. Although we are facing some troublesome times, seems the Community here does tend to band together under such. Here's hoping for a great 2019!

Cheers & Thanks!
Well said, Matt...a big thanks to all for participating and here's a shout-out to Admin and PNT + Scotty for giving everyone the opportunity to contribute and better yet, the platform for the contribution. Happy New Year and here's hoping for a safe and peaceful and fish-full 2019