the popemobile is getting tired

My old net is a ratty old nylon killnet. On my way up there today I was thinking about what I wanted to do for a net holder so I stopped at Harbour Chandler and picked up a C&R net so I could play around with a few ideas while I was there. Figuring out how to store the net is an issue on pretty much every boat but I think I got it sorted!
Do share! Currently trying to figure this out on mine.
Gonna keep it pretty simple. Just an aluminum tube welded to the edge circled in the pic. When the net is collapsed itll be low enough to not be flapping in my face when im under way, and when its extended itll sit high enough to not obstruct vision, easily accessible, yet out of the way enough its not dripping on anything important after netting a fish. At least thats the plan!

Gonna keep it pretty simple. Just an aluminum tube welded to the edge circled in the pic. When the net is collapsed itll be low enough to not be flapping in my face when im under way, and when its extended itll sit high enough to not obstruct vision, easily accessible, yet out of the way enough its not dripping on anything important after netting a fish. At least thats the plan!

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Very cool, the tube will be vertical I assume? Which net is that?