The Fat Lady is singing on the Thompson.

The really sad part is the amount of time people and groups have put in for years to try and save Steelhead and here we are watching them disappear.

Every fishing group has tried and nothing.

Says a lot about fishing groups and their ability to get the public and government to do anything.

Fish do not get votes. Seals and Whales do.
I’m not convinced that the FN and Commercial nets are “THE “ problem. Harbour seals play a much larger role than anybody is willing to admit. If the main problem was netting interception then why are all the other Steelhead across the South Coast also in major trouble? The once mighty Gold River Steelhead are pretty much extirpated as an example.
Many people who are not in the know...who are Not on the these systems ,still won’t buy that the nets in the Fraser everyday are the real reason why our greatest stock of steelhead in the North has almost gone extinct.
As for the Gold? As soon as the upper muchalat and Gold were completely logged out you could see the results quickly.
A system that almost never used to go out except in a monumental flood or weather event, now goes out with a minor bit of rain. A system that now goes up almost 15 ft with a bit of rain in hours ain’t doing no help to the spawning grounds or fry! Yet this ties into the Thompson? Searun...spend some time on the Fraser see the **** that is going down right on the’s almost mid October and DFO is stil allowing netting for sockeye on the Fraser!
I’m sorry but between my fishing partner and I,most of our steelhead are covered in net marks causing mold on the Thompson by beginning of November...there is no way those fish reach the spring spawn.
Stop the netting...bring the Thompson steelhead back!!

However....searun I back everything you on SRKW!!!!
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So sad.
And garunteed of the 355 that were supposed to return back we have lost at least half that in net fisheries in the last 2 months.
The ONLY way this stock doesn’t go extinct is if we stop the netting. Until that happens, the greatest stock of steelhead in North America will be a distant memory!