Storing Herring for bait!!!

One Fish

Active Member
Hey just wondering whats the best method to store Herring. I'm thinking of going a buying a bucket full to use but I don't really want to take up room in my freezer.. I kinda remember my Grandfather having them in course salt out on a shelf in his car port. And should I do anything to them before I freeze or brain them??


Best is to freeze them flat on cookie sheets or on a board with freezer paper shiny side on herring wont stick . then they will be individual, for salmon if your going to brine them haul them out day before let thaw then add salt it absorbs better give it a good overnight or longer to brine, for halibut you dont want to brine them as you want all that stink and oils to ooze to attract halibut..

Good luck wolf
I've been doing as Roy said and works great for halibut,the hardest part for me is keeping enough scales on for salmon,halibut don't care.I've managed to find enough herring ballups in March for my halibut bait,but they don't die fast enough to keep most of their scales intact.I'm wondering if I put them in a bucket of poison or formaldahide as soon as I pull them out of the water.I don't like using chemicals though.Any better idea's? I use a vacuum packer for them and they last a very long time.
Ive heard killing them by putting them into a bucket of very heavily salted water helps keep the scales in tact. Maybe experementing with borax might be an idea too.
I believe the commercial ones are electro shocked to kill them and keep the scales intact. They are also kept alive and starved for several days so their stomachs are empty ,so the bellies don't blow out when trolled.
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Yes,the bellies are usually too big for cut plugging.I guess I'll have to talk the wife into letting me starve them in the bath tub for a while.:):(