St. Marys lake trip


Active Member
hi guys,

I am headed off to st. marys lake next monday for a week with my family. I am bringing my boat, and my fly rods. Does anyone have any tips for this lake, good locations ect? I will be targeting smallies, and also rainbows if the opportunity arises. Are there any other good lakes on salt spring?

Check out all the lakes they all hold somthing for you to catch! A week is a long time. Dont forget the camera. Have a blast. Still want to go over and do that trip one day.

Oh yeah I will get tons of pictures, maybe even a movie or two?

The Best fishing is found @ the North End, along the shore/around the dock by Bachman's Point and down around the pumphouse where a lot of water moves around.The sunken island can be good work all the edges around it.

Start with something small/dark & if that doesn't work go for something flashier.

For Bass cast right to the edge of the weeds and let your offering drop they often slam it then- Cutts you might see cruising the lake they like Big/Flashy IME.

The biggest mistake I see people make is to be too close to the weeds when casting-making long accurate casts pays off and you won't spook fish.

That being said the place is an odd situation-the presence of Perch coupled with little killing means far too many small Bass the place isn't nearly as good a fishery as it once was.
Was gonna say the North end as Dogbreath mentioned....West side along Tripp Rd. is good too !
There are a few vids on YouTube for this lake, 1 by myself and a few by FishingWithRod.
Really decent fishing there !
Was gonna say the North end as Dogbreath mentioned....West side along Tripp Rd. is good too !
There are a few vids on YouTube for this lake, 1 by myself and a few by FishingWithRod.
Really decent fishing there !

Saw your video and Rods, sounds like there are lots of small fish, but also so nicer ones. Really looking forward to this trip!

I got back from Salt spring today. I must of had around 80 fish or so, everything was caught on the fly rod and released. I must have made atleast 2500 casts total, on the third day I had to fish my 3 wt because of my hurting arm. I fished for approximately 30 hours during this trip. Black and orange patterns seemed to do well, but almost anything caught these fish. I was amazed at the numbers, but most were small. The biggest was maybe 3 lbs, if that. I also caught lots of small trout, and yellow perch while casting towards the shore for bass. I got a couple of videos, but I am not sure how to upload them, any advice?


Looks like fun! Ive deffinitly never had a sore arm from my trout fly rods. You must have been givin'er. Nice fish. THere are some hog bass in there. Good thing you dident hook one on the 3 wt. That might have been scary.

Anymore pics?

Looks like fun! Ive deffinitly never had a sore arm from my trout fly rods. You must have been givin'er. Nice fish. THere are some hog bass in there. Good thing you dident hook one on the 3 wt. That might have been scary.

Anymore pics?


no more pics unfortunatly, I am headed up island today in hopes of some larger fish. I will try get some pics.
