Something Different

Last Chance

Staff member
Found this little guy in a trap this morning, I've seen red and green ones, he was a different shade of purple. Thought it looked neat.

That's different.

Pulled a box crab in a prawn trap the other day, now that was different.
Any one care to post a pic of one?
It looks like a fuzzy crab and can disguise itself as a rock.
Check this out.It was washed up on a beach in sooke.
The line would get cut before that sucker ever came on board! What the hell is it? SS
Good god kelly with the size of your hands that thing is about the size of a softball !!!!!!!!LOL LOL ok maybe a golf ball!!!!!
Where we crab in the broughton for dungies you get alot of box crab they are super docile and the coolest crab I think I just cant bring myself to eat one
The lancet fish story was just on CHEK 6 news!! The picture and an interview with the guy who found it.
Hey LC, just keep the sucker alive, tie him by the tail and let him do the fishin for you...:D SS