Size of Scotsman?


Well-Known Member
Without looking up a kilt,

wondering if there is a rough standard for how big a float is required for supporting a lead core prawn rope of about 350 foot length?

Usually use the floating yellow rope, with the a red poly float

but splurged on some lead core, now wondering how much bouyancy is required to keep the float above water.
Don't want to set it out and watch the float go under.

not much, small float about 12 inches in diameter would be plenty. I always use 2 floats. First one is the larger float, with a tag line attached about 4 feet long and another small float. having second float and line makes picking up the float easier. Having said that, I have larger floats (18 inch +) which makes it easier for an old guy to spot them in rough water. :)
Yeah I've been using 18" ers for a string of four. Agree with searun, way easier to see when water is rippled up or a bit of chop.
i use two,, and yes with a leed for easy pick up,, i have learned to use a float large enough to float your set up if it gets pulled off, that way they float along instead of saying bye bye to the depths...
I use 400 feet of 5/16 and 100 feet of weighted rope. This keeps the top straight and I usually fish 350-400 so there is lots of rope left over for currents etc. with an 18" float.
Trophywife brings up great point on the advantage of larger floats if they get pulled free. Another possible solution to heavy currents is to attach a 10 pound cannon ball just above your traps to help hold them down in one place. If you fish an area and your top trap isn't catching any prawns it could be due to high currents pulling top trap off the bottom.