Selling your catch !!

Sadly the price of seafood these days is a big incentive for all these scumbags.

I don’t think there is enough enforcement and /or penalties to discourage these activities.

I have to believe this is a MASSIVE problem across most fisheries in Southern BC. Halibut, salmon, crab, prawns, etc. I bet there a big black market seafood trade with many restaurants participating (knowingly or not).

I would like to see a sting and have a “John” list published with all the buyers on it. Public shaming and take away their business license.
When my dad started with DFO, in his early years he worked out of the Vancouver office when their was one, this was back when they moored their boats by the Rogers sugar factory (a speacial brown sludge used to be pumped out of that factory in to the water.)

Anyways he used to go threw all the seafoods market in China town as part of his patrols. I beleive due to budgets restraints that some of that scope was taken away from DFO.

Recreational caught fish sold on a commercial licence is not unheard of eather

I’ve posted before how these places get around regulations. Take crab for example, Oregon has a much smaller size limit then us. Their is some seafood places here that will label underside crab caught in BC as being caught in Oregon. That way they can sell underside crab.

Report it as much as possible, the more DFO has on the books the more ammo they have that they can take to Ottawa to get more funding.