Salmon at Risk from Greenhouse Gases yet Goverment plans to double Carbon Footprint


Watched CBC news just now to get an update on the fire situation, i continued to watch as they moved onto talking about BC's LNG plans which will double our carbon footprint, i am blown away by the willingness to hurt the environment for $$, really getting tired of stupid plans like this.

Then the very next topic was a recent study done by a nice fellow like us from UBC who unlike our government seems to care...he goes on to say 25% of green house gases are absorbed by the ocean which in turn warms it hurting Salmon and other sea life. So doubling our Carbon based footprint with LNG is a good plan ???

I realize this is not new news to some but found it frustrating these stories are broadcast back to back wtf ???

The fellow from UBC goes on to mention simple solutions for individuals and industry to help lower our carbon footprint, i try but what good is it if our stupid "leaders" just ignore it ??

Check out CBC news tonight for the two stories...
Or if you really wanna get yourself worked up check out this list all the BS our goverment is up to...
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