Run For Wild Salmon



My friend, who was inspired in part by the rally, does a run every year for a different charity. This year, he wants to do it for the adopt a fry, or something that helps save/protect wild salmon. The run i believe is from gold river to tahasis(sp?). It will be like a pledge form. He will collect as much money as possible, then do the run, and then donate the money. I will have more info (dates, times, etc) shortly.

Does anyone here want to make a pledge?

Also, if anyone wants to help market this or raise awareness, or have any ideas how to do it, please reply with your ideas.

okay, june 5th he will run. 64 km. starting at 4am. He has done this for 10 years. it is an event called the great walk i believe. it was cancelled this year, how ever he will still do it, he knows the route.