Restoring Tomic plugs

Post up pics of your success and the plugs you caught them on.....on this thread...SCORE!
Iron noggin posted about buying an airbrush and getting ready for a winter of plug painting, then the forum got all worked up about halibut and he stopped posting the good stuff except for recipes. Love to see some pics, but they are also a trade secret for his troller so that may not happen.
My best plug last year was an old 7" one with the flat bar pulled and I kept hitting it with black(top) and white(belly) gloss until it was an ugly, blotchy runny mess. It took a few weeks to dry. A couple coats of clear coat and some 3d eyes and it did well at big bank. Front is black not red.
The green scrubby pads will clean them up, but definitely try the polish, it cuts less paint and really makes them glow. Try polishing for just 30 seconds to a minute, wipe it clean and look. Then again if needed.

If they are really bad, you can give them 5 minutes. The polish seems to take the haze (small scratches) off the plugs. It works really well for the clear tomics, with the mylar inserts inside. They will come out looking new.
Funny, that is exactly the pad I used and you are right they work great. Going to have to get that polish and giver a go. Amazing how most of the decent one's are coming back to life.

I sure do want to try playing around with doing my own re-paint experiment so if anyone has ideas on what paints and prep to use I'm all ears!
The older Tomic plugs were painted with a paint with a very high UV value. If you have a black light or a black light flashlite try it out on them before you polish the paint off too much. I have some that are 40 years old and they "light up". I only wash them in lemon dish soap to maintain the original paint as best as I can.
Has anyone tried those Mr. Clean magic erasers? It's shocking what these things will clean with no abrasive properties. Might be worth a try.
Another reason to pull the pins if your line breaks your favorite plug will float to the top and can be retrieved.
... I sure do want to try playing around with doing my own re-paint experiment so if anyone has ideas on what paints and prep to use I'm all ears!

Shoot me an E Pat. With 50K to catch come July, I WILL be working on the same right soon... ;)

Teeth marks are not always what we think are salmon teeth, some are brown bomber marks, but find one with tooth marks and an obvious applied scratch on the face, and you may have winner. Don't paint it before trying it out first, clean it up, put a little scent on it, and unless you have the exact same hook, fish it as found.
Another thing you might try with ones that are not fishy. Drop your plug without the hook into a large pot of boiling water for about 20+/- seconds, take it out and dunk it into a large bowl of cold water, the plastic softens, the enclosed air expands, the plastic expands, and when you dunk it in the cold water, the plastic rehardens. If you do it right and the gods favour you, the body will expand , the action will change and you may end up with a good plug.