Reconciliation, going to far? By Bob Hooton


Well-Known Member

OK people, how far are we going to take reconciliation? Its one thing to tear down statues of former prime ministers now held responsible for residential schools but burying Roderick Haig-Brown because some government officials in far away centres who have likely never heard of the man is unacceptable. If there is another Canadian who has done more to create and foster a conservation ethic that lives on across multiple generations and countries I want to know who that might be.

Governments finally recognized the contribution and influence of RHB when the park noted in this article was established. It took many political generations to take that long overdue step because RHB had, justifiably, been such a thorn in their side over hydro-electric developments. The park would not have happened in the absence of broad public support to acknowledge the man and and his legacy.

Now we have some unknown declaring a First Nation that has had no detectable bearing on conservation and management of Adams River sockeye trumping the most renowned conservationist and wild fish advocate British Columbia's history. This is an unacceptable travesty. Make your views known at every level of government involved here.…/heres-what-you-can-expect-for…/it55686…


Here's what you can expect for this year's Adams River salmon run
SHUSWAP - It's almost time for the Salute to the Sockeye Festival, which celebrates the millions of salmon that make a 500-kilometre journey f
The provincial park that was formerly known as Roderick Haig-Brown has been renamed to Tsútswecw Provincial Park, which is recognizing under the truth of reconciliation commission's call for building better relationships with our Indigenous neighbours,” she says.
Keep in mind many of the people pushing this are of European descent and seem to have nothing but disdain for western culture.

Fine, rename a few parks, tear down a statue but what does that really do? It’s more of a f$&k you than working towards something meaningful

Personally, I feel reconciliation means getting disenfranchised youth to take part in our economy. These projects that seem to get poo pooed all the time are great for doing that.
I am a simple guy ,this may be a too simple of thought. Get reconciliation done. Let me and my deceased great grandfather and my son move forward without guilt from the past. Assimilate as Canadians under one law. Retaining identity respectably like Canadians do.
Unfortunately it is the UN that Canada must abide.

Except that canada does not abide as UNDRIP says First Nations must consent to projects while the supreme court of canada says they must be consulted.

" What UNDRIP does is take that duty up a notch on the consultation continuum and calls upon governments to obtain “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC)"

I suspect will see many supreme court challenges in the future as canada is constantly failing to get first nations to consent.

"If the Crown does not obtain FPIC, do the affected Indigenous Peoples then have the constitutional right to veto a project? This has yet to be clarified by the federal government. Canada has endorsed the Declaration but the Declaration is not Canadian law, nor is it international law. It is a Declaration that calls upon States to adopt “a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect.” [4]"
Yup, perhaps but not wholly. However how come indigenous people still fall under rules and laws of the Indian Act making them "CHILD OF THE STATE"? Canadians as a society in whole or in part still carry greater benefits than do indigenous people. You can always take it up with the UN or try to coax Canada in dropping out of the UN. Unfortunately it is the UN that Canada must abide.

Id like society in general to take another look at the statement that “X” racial group is disadvantaged as opposed to the rest of society.

It seems that statement as of itself is fair and accurate, but I don’t feel it’s the rest of society that is holding down the racial group in question.

At what point do we stop the soft bigotry of low expectations that seems to allow sub cultures to continue to flourish and put the emphasis on individuals to break the cycle?

Personally I see it as incredibly racist when latte sipping whites make excuses for minority groups that can’t get ahead. It’s like they are talking about a bunch of apes that don’t know any better.And of course, it only them, the white savior that can help these people.

Reconciliation, to me, would have to involve a hand up along with some tough love if it were to have any sort of lasting benefit. Welfare has killed the communities of FN.