Port Renfrew Reports -- Spring and Summer 2011

Thanks for the reply.One more ? are you anchoring or just drifting.Anchoring out there is a little intimidating to me.
anchoring this time of year ,by mid June the chickens move in and drifting works, anchoring not as bad as locally we don't get those 2 knot plus tides very often in fact we are having to move out into deeper water when the current slows down like right now
Owen pt to the Rock pile all in the afternoon 3:30 on with the high water 11 springs to the boat in an hour 615-20lbs and the rest 7-10 all hatchery except the big one

I guess we missed them cause we had to leave around 2pm. Oh well, I can't wait to get back up there and give it another go. Were you having to go deep for them or were they at there normal depths? Thanks
I was fishing in 85 -95 ft of water and getting them at 80-85 on the rigger in the mud ,full of needle fish ,i was using gay pride squirt and coyote spoon bigger fish were on the coyote.
"Gay Pride Squirt" LMAO how do yu put the little Leprechaun on?
Thanks Optimist, I totally wanted to drop the balls and dragem on the ground but they weren't my downriggers and not my boat. The friend I was with was a bit nervous about losing something. "GAY PRIDE SQUIRT" LMAO! I have got to see that one, maybe I have one in the old tackle box.
Its the purple haze squirt with the pink strip,,just a local name that was given to it , well if your ever looking for lead iam the guy that sells it to everyone on the southern island just pm me.Good luck out there.
Yep S.F I think you mean the go to guy is Paul(Trotac Marine) after all they are in James Gay Barrio & being "Gay Friendly" maybe they could fly the pride flag out front & pick up a little extra biz.
To add to your very informative posts "Gay Pride Squirt" ( North Pacific ref. code B103LPS) aka;Pink Haze or Pink Electric wheel chair all avl.in needle fish,octipus & cuttle fish formats.
Must say your group of top shelf Guides in Renni. are a wealth of info. living the dream out there...Keep up those nightly brain storming sessions over a few brown pops for sure.
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I am so looking forward to getting out this weekend to try some new stuff. Nice Weather and seas calm would help big time. Lets hope these Chinook are still around. I am sure we will keep up guys up to date on how it is,
For sure thanx Hourston come fishing season just make sure you get those young guns to bed before midnight we need them at the "top of their game"...LOL
No chance of that big Jim is throwing a drinking seminar tonight on how to drink all night but still get up at 4. I am still on the couch from Tues seminar I did not learn, Jim said I need more practice that starts tonight at 7. oh god...
Are you talkin bout son of a beach Jim .lol When i talked to him Sun morn after the oysters and bottles of vodka he said the training has begun for the summer.

Good luck up there this weekend Wellsy!
Are you talkin bout son of a beach Jim .lol When i talked to him Sun morn after the oysters and bottles of vodka he said the training has begun for the summer.

Good luck up there this weekend Wellsy!
Ya you too, looks like you are going to have a nice weekend..
excellent weekend fishing for hali,s remains very strong with the great weather,salmon was very good sat with springs averaging 10-15lbs,sunday halis were nice average 40-70lbs again beauty day,springs were good early on the mid flood, nice fish 10-21 lbs, coyote spoons ,gay pride,and little jimmy all 10-20 ft off the bottom