outboard locking devices


now that i bought my new motor i would like to lock it while its on my boat. what are you useing for this or what ideas do you have. i know masterlock makes a lock but no idea if it will work with my 9.9 mercury
tack weld the nuts to the bolt- need a grinder to remove, although todays thieves carry those also...A 200.00 trail camera focused on your boat is good, but the best sleep EZ method is to have $500.00 in your bank account to pay the deductible- lol
The outboard only goes on my 12' aluminum boat when I'm going fishing. I only want it locked when I'm camping at a lake and my boat is on shore
if you are pulling your boat onto shore, you also need to be concerned with the entire boat being stolen. As far as rhe motor is concerned, a lock through the clamping handles or the type that covers them comes to mind. you could also run a cable fron one of the stern carrying handles to the motor.
To prevent theft of the boat you need to chain it to a tree. If you could also attach tin cans that would rsttle when the chain is moved, that might alert you. When travelling, I secure my luggage with an alarmable cable lock. If it is moved a piercing alarm goes off, something like a car alarm. Could work for you?