OK now what?


Active Member
Went to the Bell Buoy today and absolutely nothing. Fished from 8 to around noon, not a single hit. Saw lots of boats in the Banana, anything happening there? Anything at the T10?

Need to change tactics but don't know the seasons well enough here. The whites must still be in, do we have to go to the Cap? Wait for Chum? What is next?

They were catching some at the Cap today. I went to the Bell from the Cap, only to find the fish were at the Cap. :) Caught a pink at the Bell for all my efforts. Nice day though.
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

Coriba, What area is the Banana ? Thanks

The banana is the area off the Fraser river mouth, it is the area enclosed by the markers such as the bell buoy, T10, etc. It was refered to as the banana because of the shape of the area enclosed within the boundaries. The "banana" was closed to fishing for years by the DFO.
Tried the Cap on Sunday and saw a few people catch some. One pair of guys landed their fish and were pretty happy about it, whooping and hollerin and high fives all around. Nice to see.

We hooked what looked like a pink but didn't land it. Other than that, nothing. Leaders were too long or short or too fast or slow, don't know, nothing happening. Fish are there though.