Offshore Fishing 2010

quote:Originally posted by Degree of Freedom

loads of beauty coho offshore of Bamfield...trouble is they're about 10:1 wild to hatchery. f'n hate that reg...released a few yesterday that didn't stand much of a chance including 1 pushing 15 lbs [V].

Thanks for the report Degree of Freedom:). Can't wait till the weekend!

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
I keep hearing about 5 and 7 mile can you give me directions without giving up your hot spots
quote:Originally posted by Sculpin

quote:Originally posted by Fishtofino

In case there was any doubts - the offshore fishery on the hiway - Tofino/Ucluelet is sick with lots of mid 20's to Tyees [^]

Hey Tofinofish any recent reports? Hope you filled those cancellations. We stayed home this past weekend but heading up for some hopefully fun coho fishing this weekend.


"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
Only filled Thursday, Sculpin with Firelight from the other forum. A lot of the Ukee guide fleet and a few Bamfield guides have been @ the Hyson the last few days and we are fishing just west of there. I was out yesterday for fun and the catching was ridiculous with lots of Springs and even some Sockeyes on Anchovies
What can you say about the weather this weekend. We headed up to the west coast to get away from the heat. Got up to Salmon Beach around 9 pm Friday night and it was still quite warm, clear skies, etc. The meteor show was really cool!

Anyways onto the fishing.

Boat launch in the morning


Heading out to the banks. So smooth out there it was unreal.


This weekend we were trying for some larger fish mostly and my buddy wanted to try out his lightweight Sage rod with a neat little Abu centerpin reel. Well he got to try it out allright within the first 10 minutes of dropping his line down!!!

That fishing rod of his is magic me thinks


The result a nice 32 lber


Caught on a 5" watermelon Tomic spoon


After my buddy got his fish (mission accomplished as he wanted a Tyee on light tackle this weekend) we fished for around an hour without another bite. We heard lots on 78a North of us so headed up to the Hyson to check it out. What a show up there. Over 100 boats out there all around the Starfish!


Anyways we stayed just South of the "pack" and Jake decides to use something different because we aren't getting any action on the big plugs and spoons. He throws on a 3.5 inch wonderbread and wammo!

Jake playing his first Tyee (whoo hoo)!!!


The result............a very happy kid!



Next morning was even flatter than Saturday.


Hit a couple of more springs in the low twenties.


This one was caught using a North Pacific spoon from Pacific Net and Twine.


Was hot as hell out there weather wise. Air temp was around 26 degrees. Water temp was 67 degrees. Guys on 78a were saying they were going for swims next to the boat to cool off.

We had some other excitement as well this weekend. On Saturday we were switching gear and were in neutral when my buddy looks over to the right and say holy sh*t would you look at that. It was a 7' shark of some kind (I'm guessing blue but have to look it up to try to confirm)!!! It swam right under the boat very calmly and past the other side and carried on about it's business like we weren't even there. This is the biggest shark I have seen off of the WCVI for sure. It mulls around a bit and we loose sight of it and go to set the gear. One side goes down and Jakes side pops off for whatever reason and he reels in to reset it. His gear just hits the surface when out of no where this shark takes it. We saw its head with the open mouth and everything then the dorsal fin and tail as he went straight to the bottom. Jake hung on for dear life as this thing took off to the depths like a freight train. It burned his hand the reel was going so fast. It almost spooled him then it was like an anchor. It must of wrapped itself around the line a few times and just stayed at the bottom. We backed down on it but the line broke. When we got it up to the top there was about 12 feet of it all frayed (from the rough skin). Was one of the coolest things we have every experienced out there that's for sure.

Now the not so funny part of our weekend. We normally leave a land cooler either on the truck or in a trailer with fish and ice in it. Because it was so hot this weekend we decided to leave it in a patch of trees on the lot to keep in the shade. We stacked and packed all the fish nicely inside with Jakes Tyee on top. Well when we got back today to camp the cooler was knocked over with the lid open. We instantly knew what was up. A black bear must has just been there as the ice wasn't very melted and there were teeth marks in the cooler etc. He took off with Jakes fish as it was on the top!!! Jake was a little upset at first but then laughed it off when I said " how many guys can say they caught their first Tyee only to have it stolen by a black bear the next day"!

Awesome weather, nice fish, crazy adventure of a weekend. Gotta love the WCVI.

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
The last couple of weekends have just been a total blast fishing the WCVI on the banks just off of Ukee and Tofino!!!. I've been bringing friends out to give her a whirl and get into some fish.

On Saturday we headed out with my draftsman, my friend Steve, and his old timer fishing buddy. The fishing was kind of slow to start in the morning but by afternoon the action picked up considerably. Everyone had a great time and everyone caught fish.

My draftsman Randy caught his biggest fish to date and was very excited. It went 24 lbs.


Steves fishing buddy caught his second halibut ever. He sure was a neat guy and very spry for a 75 year old.


Steve had a small problem with the Cabela's quick draw rod holder........


The hinged part blew out but luckily he buried the line in the clip and we got the rod back!

Out on the banks there were so many porpoises it was just crazy. I have never seen that many at a time.

On Sunday I went out with a couple of other friends and we experienced the same senario with the slower morning etc. and the afternoon action picking up considerably. We went out to the Wreck around lunch time just to check it out and found the coho big time. Played and released quite a few wild ones and managed a few hatchery fish around 12 lbs.

We decided to head over to the SW corner and as soon as we dropped the lines it was game on (and no it was not me who rigged that rod)!!!


Most of the fish were caught on metal in the 4" green/glow (hottest), PAL P2B, and 5" watermelon variey. Depths were 47' and 61' on the riggers.



We limited out on springs. Released quite a few smaller ones. Had a great time out there on the water. Some of the springs were jumping a couple of feet out of the water which made for excellent angling.

On the way in we saw an Orca quite close to the boat between Ukee and the banks.

Here are a couple of shots of the orca one of the guys took as we were driving in.



Totally awesome mammal.

Great weekend shared with friends.

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
[:p] I missed it the 1st time thru, Sculpin. That rod threading job made me LOL!! I'm sure we've all done that before. Thanks for the laugh. Cheers :D
quote:Originally posted by kelly

Great report. Man i gotta get over there!

You were just over there man:D. You mean you need to get over there more often;)!!!

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
quote:Originally posted by Fishtofino

[:p] I missed it the 1st time thru, Sculpin. That rod threading job made me LOL!! I'm sure we've all done that before. Thanks for the laugh. Cheers :D

Hey Shawn yeah I thought more guys would have commented on that. Buddy brought his own rod and rigged it kind of half assed in the morning as we attended a bit of a stagette (more of a ladies night without the husbands and birthday party for one of the ladies) at Salmon Beach the night before. We were up late so to speak:D.

Hell Kelly could have been the stripper:D!!! We told the ladies about the infamous fish handler[8D].

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint
Hi All,
I have had 2 great trips up to Ukee this year in Early July and mid August and I am considering a 3rd but do not want to come too late.
We are looking at coming up to Bamfield or Ukee on the 10th-13th of Sept. in previous years this seemed a little late but this year the fish seam to be later at least on the inside.
Does any one have the experience or opinion on what to expect around the 2nd week of Sept.
Thanks in advance