Northern Gateway APPROVED

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Better ask what have we done? Voted a government into office that has already sold our environment for the lowest thinkable price.

Good article there GLG and it shows again and again who is the winner in all this (industry owners) and who gets the barely visible end of the stick (public). But Walleyes" can't figure it out". Probably a shortcoming from the lack of public education in those regions where the oil industry rules it all.
Here is another graph that has the timeline for our friends in Alberta.
I will look for the data for BC
The biggest problem with larger royalties boys is these companies don't need our oil they really don't. There is more oil and is cheaper to get than Oil Sands we have to make it feasible for them to get it. Oil sands although profitable is not cheap its one of the most expensive ways to get it and when you do its not high grade stuff its very poor actually. Very little of it goes for actual fuel oils most of it goes for by products this is why the Chinese want it so bad. And they have stated they don't want it refined they want it as raw as they can get it. Its economics boys.. When you are broke do you shop at The Bay,, or Walmart ?? Now the Chinese aren't broke but they are shrude business people and they will shop for the best price. Why would they take our oil and pay us to refine it when they can refine it for slave labor.

The royalties are a joke no doubt but hey you can't change the rules of the game half way through. These lands and these deals were made a while back in order to get interest in the product.. A deal is a deal..

Believe me we Albertans are the most upset when it comes to what is going on but again if that's the deal that was made it has to go through. We are the ones that are the most upset with our schools and hospitals being over ran but it's our hope and our belief that most of you will go home when all this big construction boom is over and most people will. We don't want your riffraff and everyone else's trust me.. This big boom that is taking place it will slow down we know that,, we want it. It's our sons and daughters that we are sending to college and university it's our children that are the engineers and the managers and the directors of these projects,, it's your kids and brothers and sisters that are here digging the ditches for our kids heck you can have them back in a few years when we are done with them. When the big rush is over our children will be here running the projects with life long secure well paying jobs,, it's all your children you should be worried about cause where are they going to go and what are they going to do when they get home,, think about that.. Ya'll better start quick to cause we are just about done with them up here..
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I see that cheaper and less GHG producing methods seem to be placed on the back shelf while the dirtier more GHG are in the front row. No proof just my perception.
If something is of bad quality and expensive to process, of little value to the public overall but yet a huge impact to Alberta's environment and a huge risk to BC's, why again are we suppose to support this and carry on with this? Even my cat is shaking her head... Leave it alone and aim at a better bang for our buck. This aint worth it!
I do know that there are those out there that are interested in the truth and not the typical air headed blabber that is the norm on this site. Getting their information from the celebrities and Socialist ideologists that live a 1000 miles away from us but yet seem to know more about our business than we ourselves do,, could never figure that one out.
As usual Walleyes you are completely wrong. We get our information from the science and economics such as the links GLG posts and like those here.

Unlike you, whose sole world view is guided by the rantings of right wing demagogues like Ezra Lavant, we actually read and study the literature and science. The science and scientists are not wrong Walleyes, however much you ignore the evidence or insult and denigrate the messengers.
I raise my kids here, feed my family here, live and play in the woods here yet you all living on the left coast and those living in Hollywood know more about my way of life than I do. Cant quite figure out how that is.
What has this to do with anything? We are not talking about your “way of life”. We are talking about the local and global impacts of what your industry is doing.
I help set up budgets for drilling programs based on prophet margins on sales on our product,, yet you all seem to know more than I do what those prophet margins are. Cant quite figure that one out. I work with and help design and have many friends that work in the environmental end of this industry yet some how you are telling us what is happening here, you all some how know more about it than we do,, cant quite figure that one out.
What a fallacious argument! So a deck hand on fish boat knows more about ocean ecology than the oceanographic scientists and a coal miner knows more about the health and pollution issues of coal than medical professionals. How silly can you get!
Robyn Allen, a professional economist, has produced an analysis of Northern Gateway here.

But of course you know more about “prophets” (it is actually spelt “profits”!) than she does! You don’t have to read anything because you know it all. What arrogance!

Are there issues in this industry,, absolutely there is. But leaps an bounds are being made and millions of dollars being spent in addressing these issue. What is it with you all,, do you think we are all just a bunch of idiot drunken fools out here with no regard for our environment.
Yes indeed. Drunk with $$$ signs. The environment comes a big second to your lust for $$$ and your care and consideration for what the next generations across the world are going to inherit amounts to an absolute zero!
I am a fishermen and hunter and outdoor enthusiast extreme I doubt very little on here spend as much time out there as I do. I am a 3rd generation Albertan and outdoorsman do you not think I give a damn ?? Yes it hurts to see some of what is going on,, I am one of those that is losing his hunting and fishing grounds,, the heck with the Indians,, most of these Indian bands that are crying the most have not lived off the land for generations now, most of them wouldn't know the head from the butt of a moose yet they get the attention..
A disrespectful, xenophobic and racist attitude !. You views expressed here are shameful but typical of an Alberta oil sands red neck such as yourself.
Yes it hurts but I live in the real world and sometimes we have to give,, there has to be a certain amount of loss to have gain. We are humans, we need the things we need and to get those things we leave a mark it cant be helped. What we can do is our damn best to ensure that mark is minimal. I insist on it, my bosses insist on it my company and all of them insist on it.
Ah but the world you live in is one where you and the industry gets all the gain, and everyone else, including the generations to come get all the loss. Your attitude to the First Nations exposes your bankrupt moral stance on this one.

I really feel sorry for you people I do, and that's the Gods honest truth, as frustrated as I get with you all I do feel sorry for you. I just really wonder what BC has planned.. I have said it on here before,, personally I don't care if the pipeline goes through and I truly think it should be BC's choice if it goes through on their ground,, I can respect that. A line will go through someplace, Alberta will get its oil out to market. But what I cant stand is the useless, un informed blabber about an industry you all obviously know very little about.
I feel very sorry for ignorant people like you. I really do. You get your indoctrination from the oil, companies, your “science” from Ezra Levant, your current affairs and news from sunnews network, and then spew this useless uninformed, unthinking rubbish back at us and have the incredible arrogance to call us “uninformed”. This from a guy who has undoubtedly never read a scientific paper or climate change paper in the published literature in his life!!

I will continue to post links and information for those more enlightened to learning. For those of you with your head in the sand,, continue on as you were. Don't worry Alberta will keep growing, your kids will continue to leave home and come here to work.
I (and others) will continue to post links to the real truth about oil sands, climate change, and the devastating economic, cultural and environmental effects this is already having and will continue to have on Canadians and the world. Don’t worry, for those that have their head in the sand like Walleyes, even arrogant Albertans cannot avoid the consequences of their actions and climate change is coming that will make the High River floods seem like a spray from a garden hose.

Just wondering,, what is the BC advantage ? welfare or a plane ticket to Alberta or Sask.. As far as our short falls in public infrastructure,, there is no doubt this is an issue here, it concerns us all but really guys,, you are blaming the oil industry because our useless left wing government over spends its budget. How can you blame the industry for that. If you have a spending problem you don't just throw more money at it,, you quit spending and put the money where it belongs.
You clearly have not read the GLG posts about how the successively more rabid arch-conservatives in Alberta have given away all the royalties and revenues to the oil companies (and eventually to China). That money has been stolen from the people and the future and those who are not shareholders are paying now and will pay in the future. It is nothing to do with a left wing government overspending it is all about a “strip and ship” industry who have hijacked the government policies so they can best rob ordinary Canadians as fast as possible. It is exploitation NOT development.
That's a governing issue not an industry issue. These companies are huge contributors to our communities,, huge,, most give millions a year out to the communities they work in.
Now you are trying to make us laugh. The oil companies are benign and benevolent social charities. I must have missed that!!
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Good response Englishman. Well thought-out, well reasoned and well supported - as usual. It's a pleasure having your input here.

Walleyes - you bring out some very important points. IF (as you say) it costs so much to extract bitumen which is not competitive in todays oil-glutted markets: then what the hell are we doing INCREASING the extraction rate? Why don't we DECREASE the extraction and wait another 20-60 years when it will be more profitable to extract the oil reserves as the world runs-out of oil? What's the rush, now? Why loose money and royalties? the oil is not going to go "bad" - it's been around 200 million years or so - and will not be replaced for at least another 200 million+ years - if the human race doesn't exterminate itself before that timeframe. It certainly is not going to go down much in price, either.

None of this make any sense, financially or environmentally.
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A great read folks, going to be my last season up here i think, big money, big shareholders, big overseas investors selling out our resources leaving us with short term gains and longterm pains.., money isn't everything.. Quality of life is more important too me now..took me ten years to realize what being well off really means..and this isn't it. MTB's
Good response Englishman. Well thought-out, well reasoned and well supported - as usual. It's a pleasure having your input here.

Walleyes - you bring out some very important points. IF (as you say) it costs so much to extract bitumen which is not competitive in todays oil-glutted markets: then what the hell are we doing INCREASING the extraction rate? Why don't we DECREASE the extraction and wait another 20-60 years when it will be more profitable to extract the oil reserves as the world runs-out of oil? What's the rush, now? Why loose money and royalties? the oil is not going to go "bad" - it's been around 200 million years or so - and will not be replaced for at least another 200 million+ years - if the human race doesn't exterminate itself before that timeframe. It certainly is not going to go down much in price, either.

None of this make any sense, financially or environmentally.

I can tell you what the rush is: they see the writing on the wall that the oil demands will drop in near future as new technologies start taking over. Then the oil sand extraction will be out of question. You got to bring the goods to the market when they are in demand. So the push now is absolutely logical. But is the little gain for Canadians worth the big risk and cleanup bill? Not so I say.
Tie that in with what I am seeing this makes more sense than you think.

I can tell you what the rush is: they see the writing on the wall that the oil demands will drop in near future as new technologies start taking over. Then the oil sand extraction will be out of question. You got to bring the goods to the market when they are in demand. So the push now is absolutely logical. But is the little gain for Canadians worth the big risk and cleanup bill? Not so I say.
You know Englishman I wont even respond to your comments socialists don't have the intelligence to carry on a conversation with,, they are blind.

Its easy to live in your world,, you just appose everything,, its simple.

The Socialist utopia you dream of doesn't work,, its been tried many times,, it doesn't work.

For those more intelligent people,, some more reading for you..


More to come..
No thanks, walleyes. As an intelligent person I'd rather stick with the Englishman's version. You better stick to your estimates. Hope you are better at that.
No thanks, walleyes. As an intelligent person I'd rather stick with the Englishman's version. You better stick to your estimates. Hope you are better at that.

Well what can be said,, some people want to know the truth some like having the blinders on and be lead around like mindless sheep,, your choice..
Well what can be said,, some people want to know the truth some like having the blinders on and be lead around like mindless sheep,, your choice..

Frankly I'm not surprised that you have that view. You can't spend a minute in Alberta without this message plowed into your head.
If you have an open mind watch this 4 minute video.
Well what can be said,, some people want to know the truth some like having the blinders on and be lead around like mindless sheep,, your choice..

All I hear is: bloob, bloob, bah, bah - What is that? Oh, wait a second, it's the OIL SHEEP! Lol You keep ingesting the oil propaganda they feed you and see how it does for you in the long run. And enjoy your waste land in your backyard while I look at a beautiful steelhead creek outside my window and enjoy our beautiful coast this weekend. Hopefully it can be prevented that your miserable life and your waste land spills over here.
All I hear is: bloob, bloob, bah, bah - What is that? Oh, wait a second, it's the OIL SHEEP! Lol You keep ingesting the oil propaganda they feed you and see how it does for you in the long run. And enjoy your waste land in your backyard while I look at a beautiful steelhead creek outside my window and enjoy our beautiful coast this weekend. Hopefully it can be prevented that your miserable life and your waste land spills over here.

Don't worry boys,, don't be too jealous,, cause in the end that's all it is,, it's envy.. Those that don't have always hate those that have,,it's human nature..

I booked my cabins at one of your lodges today,, I will bring a few bread crumbs for y'all to chew on,, rest easy tonight,, we'll keep you fed.. It's Alberta's job to feed the nation,, it's not an easy job, we take a lot of flack for it but someone has to have the responsibility,, might as well be the people that can accomplish it..

Lol,, you should have heard what that lodge owner had to say about all you guys,, lol.. It was good to hear there are still a lot of level headed people out there keeping your province afloat.. God bless them,, they have a tough job out there..
Don't worry boys,, don't be too jealous,, cause in the end that's all it is,, it's envy.. Those that don't have always hate those that have,,it's human nature..

I booked my cabins at one of your lodges today,, I will bring a few bread crumbs for y'all to chew on,, rest easy tonight,, we'll keep you fed.. It's Alberta's job to feed the nation,, it's not an easy job, we take a lot of flack for it but someone has to have the responsibility,, might as well be the people that can accomplish it..

Lol,, you should have heard what that lodge owner had to say about all you guys,, lol.. It was good to hear there are still a lot of level headed people out there keeping your province afloat.. God bless them,, they have a tough job out there..

You were acting semi level headed right up until this post. There is no room for **** like this. Keep it pragmatic and rationale. You're comment emulates that of a (selfish) kid who has never made money before and now think his grossly overpaid salary entitles him to comment on those "less" compensated.

You just shot yourself in the foot (or butt) and all comments from here on out will be moot.

My opinion, take it for what its worth.
You were acting semi level headed right up until this post. There is no room for **** like this. Keep it pragmatic and rationale. You're comment emulates that of a (selfish) kid who has never made money before and now think his grossly overpaid salary entitles him to comment on those "less" compensated.

You just shot yourself in the foot (or butt) and all comments from here on out will be moot.

My opinion, take it for what its worth.

Hey everybody has been throwing them below the belt here,, don't get a pout on now. Look back at the names and gestures that have been thrown my way,,it's all relative at this time.. Look back at all these post about this subject,, no one has been degraded more than us Albertans,, a little feed back won't break you all..

I am a level headed individual,, you and I both know my statement is far fetched,,it's a shot that's all,, be a big boy and suck it up.
Hey everybody has been throwing them below the belt here,, don't get a pout on now. Look back at the names and gestures that have been thrown my way,,it's all relative at this time.. Look back at all these post about this subject,, no one has been degraded more than us Albertans,, a little feed back won't break you all..

I am a level headed individual,, you and I both know my statement is far fetched,,it's a shot that's all,, be a big boy and suck it up.

I could give two squirts what you have to say - no need to suck anything. I'll leave that up to you. Now that's a shot.
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