NOG!! What ever happened to those needlefish spoons?

Unfortunately set-backs at the plant (this project is not their Prime Directive and every-day work continues to put pressure on the time required to get this done) and administrative set-ups (completely Alien World for me & my Partner) continue to plague us.

We ARE still working on this, however at this point it looks like either a late-season or next season launch. Guess I was quite overly optimistic in my original postings when I actually believed we could snap our fingers and Make It So.

We have tested a four inch model with success, and I plan on testing a five inch version soon as well. On the catching front, the prototypes have indeed proven themselves time and time again over a rather large span of areas. Almost too good, for as all fishermen know, when you have a very limited supply of something, that will of course be the Hot Ticket. My supply of prototypes is now gone - each having left in the jaws of a hungry spring or halibut after tagging many of their kin. So, I too am VERY Much looking forward to seeing the production run bolster my own supplies as well...

Patience is a virtue they say, and I recognize all good things come in time. That said, I am damn near out of virtues, and my own patience flew out the window some months ago now...

They will eventually prove well worth the wait. Hopefully before they have to be considered for Stocking Stuffers!! :eek:

ah Nog, I'm sure the plant is just keeping the fish around for one last season before they put this killer in your hands and put stocks at serious risk! lol.
Two plants competing for the rights to finish (paint and dress) these guys. One has turned out STELLAR! ;)
Negotiating today, and hoping they can jump all over it tomorrow!

Shortly methinks...
Nog - Fingers Crossed again...
Unfortunately set-backs at the plant (this project is not their Prime Directive and every-day work continues to put pressure on the time required to get this done) and administrative set-ups (completely Alien World for me & my Partner) continue to plague us.

We ARE still working on this, however at this point it looks like either a late-season or next season launch. Guess I was quite overly optimistic in my original postings when I actually believed we could snap our fingers and Make It So.

Hey Nog,
...we shoulda did a reality show on what it takes to produce and get lures to market...
Me too not... I'm in.
From an insiders persecutive there definitely still in the works, Nog's working hard on them, as are those trying to get this produced. They will be a hit, having had the pleasure of draggin a few proto's. Will be well worth the wait...