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Last Chance

Staff member
Well, yesterday I was hereby ordered by SG to get my boat down there for some engines. Twist my rubber arm. Heres where we are at so far:



And here is a better shot of the pod:


Now I just have to get rid of the cop stripes, insure it, put radar arch on it (After I paint the roof), and by Jan 20, I'm gonna be hammering the winters off Constance.
Lastchance nice rig. Thanks for the pic’s
Someone better tell the fish to hide cause their going to get hurt.
What’s a pod like that cost if you don’t mind saying?
quote:Originally posted by Poppa Swiss

thats gonna be a sweet ride for LC - any concern about all the weight back there with 3 4-strokes?

Two 140's and a 9.9 weight less then the sterndrives that were there, I don't think theres a problem. My 23 was fine, actually, as really quite light in the arse end. Another guy where I fish from has the same boat with the same power, adn the ballance is perfect. The 140 Zukes are only 415 pounds each dry.
quote:Originally posted by GLG

Lastchance nice rig. Thanks for the pic’s
Someone better tell the fish to hide cause their going to get hurt.
What’s a pod like that cost if you don’t mind saying?

That particular pod was $2800, hoever there is signifigant metalwork inside, as well as no inspection hatch in the top, internall access is through teh boat, so it cost a lot more because of the extra metalwork, and the time it took to do a lot of the bolts through a 6" hole. DSS Welding in Duncan did it on time, and on budget, I would reccommend Larry and his crew to anyone.
quote:Originally posted by C.S.

How much sq.ft you got in the back end there,looks nice and roomy!Are those 140 zukes gonna have enough jam for the 26 Hourston?

Still kicking myself for not buying your old one:(

I'll have some shots of the deck when I clean up some of my crappy glasswork, it's strong but not pretty cause I did it under a tarp with a troublelight after work. I'm predicting 42MPH, and the deck is 8' by 7', so 56 SQ feet out back, and lots up front.
Man that looks like a lot of hard work.
Good on ya LC. Looks like it's gonna make for a nice ride[8D]
Thanks for sharing.
