mooching herring



I used to love mooching live herring ,but you cant get them anymore does any one think I would have any success mooching a brined herring rigged up the same way as a live one,it may be a dumb ? but any ideas
Motor mooch. Cut your herring into cut-plugs and slow troll through the same mooching holes. You will need more weight to keep it down. Another methed is "strip casting" where you cut your herring into plugs or strip. Let it down to desired depth, and then quickly strip the line into your boat(carfull not to tangle it on anything). Once it's to the surface, let it down as fast as the weight will take it. Guide the line through your fingers so you can feel the bite and set the hook. The bait should be rolling on the way up and down. You could also jig your own herring and fish it live.
Last time i was in Secret Cove live bait was still availible.Its my favourite way to fish.Buccaneer Bay maina is the name.
Hi yeah I cut plug all the time I have done lots I have never tried strip casting, I was jusst wondering if the other way would still work I have heard in buccaneer bay you can still get lives too bad you cant in van because its a really fun way to fish
As for jigging my own bait I have a herring jig My boat has a livwe well is it difficult to jig herring around van