Marine Engine Oil

i buy yammy engine oil for my yammy. dont have a problem with it and couldnt be bothered to save the few pennies it would take to get a synthetic from canadian tire instead. i also change my sparkplugs annually for the same reason. its a few bucks saved if i dont but i couldnt care less when getting stuck in the middle of nowhere would cost me $1000 for a tow. just use what the engine manufacturer sells. worst case you lose what - $5 or $10 a year ? who cares. dont understand why people spend lots of effort trying to save a few dollars when the alternative is they lose a few thousand due to engine damage or getting stuck offshore. there is no conspiracy to sell you overpriced oil. everything is within a few bucks of each other. saving $50 on your $300 annual service is not a lot when you burn that much hourly in fuel alone at WOT.
I believe the full synthetic premium automotive oils are superior to the semisynthetic marine oils. The cost savings is a bonus. I've never broken down. 1300 hours. Run like new.
Not a conspiracy. They just want more money for name brand marine products.
Applies to all their
lube products and filters.
Zincs are the biggest gouge.
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