Man survives ride over stamp falls


Well-Known Member
Well its not funny, but makes ya laugh!

PORT ALBERNI - Swift current and high waters probably saved the life of a Burnaby angler who went over Stamp Falls on Sunday.

He is the only person to survive such a tumble as far as local fishermen can recall, said Roland Haider and Ian Barker. Stamp Falls cascades downwards from a height of approximately 20 metres.

Apparently the Burnaby angler went to Stamp Falls expecting to launch his pontoon from the bottom of the falls. His friends had given him bad directions, and, although the map didn't match up, he launched his boat anyway, unknowingly setting out above the falls.

It wasn't long before the current picked up and there was no going back. The Burnaby angler was able to bail out from his pontoon as he reached the falls, but when he went to inflate his life preserver, there wasn't enough time. He fell from the top of Stamp Falls with no life preserver, relying on his own body and mind to stay afloat.

"He's the first I've ever heard to do that," said Barker, the "Rambling Fisherman," who runs a blog online by the same name.

Barker said the man's escape from the water was more of a miracle, and that the man should go out and buy lottery tickets because his luck is treating him well.

While his friends and relatives were off on a charter fishing trip, this brave Burnaby angler decided it would be a nice relaxing day to take on the waters by himself.

"Apparently he just wanted to float the river on his pontoon," said Barker. "But his fishing trip was cut short." Once the man came to rest from the rushing waters into the canyon, a few fishermen helped to pull him from the water. Haider came along with his jet sled to pull the Burnaby angler and his pontoon from the water.

"He said the water sucked him in a few times," Haider said. "He'd pop up for a few seconds before being sucked under again."

Haider helped the soaked fisherman get some warm clothing and calmed him down. He said the man was in shock, but unharmed.

He was lucky enough to not have broken any bones, and he even got his pontoon back. After all was said and done, he was only missing his fishing rod and an oar.

"It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen," Barker said. "It's unbelievable."
Luck Guy!!!My best friend wasn't so fortunate.