Lost !!

Bows Up

Well-Known Member
Blue glo flasher, 5' Maxima 4o#, 2- Gami 4/0's and one hand-painted, French vanilla nail polish Rhys davis teaser head.

Last seen in Van Harbour attached to a whiskered creature that likes to eat fish.

Oh yeh, also missing, one salmon, mid'teens.
If if call the RCMP I'll never get it back.

Gave the culprit a run for its money, though. Pulled the gear and ran the boat over it whenever it surfaced. Midway through the encounter a second little bugger showed up and stayed with the show.

I was planning my spring bear hunt last night. Now i could see a spring seal hunt. So what if I have to keep the hide and the meat. My Lab will eat anything. Seal flipper isn't so bad.