Long Gun Registry Vote: MP's

Little Hawk

Active Member
If you're interested in how your MP voted on the narrowly defeated Bill introduced to Parliment (153 to 151) here's a link to the result:


So sad indeed that we law abiding gun owners are still being forced to carry the burden of a flawed and ineffective system.

My Father is Ret./RCMP (Sgt. S&I) and the notion that the country is safer for cops with the registry is pure BS! All cops, whether city or RCMP, receive extensive training on scenario approach mentality and enter all situations as if facing an armed opposition.

What I want to know is how many lives has this - 2-billion dollar taxpayer funded - Long-Gun Registry saved?

How many more live's would have been saved if we spent that money to put more cops on the street or better lighting at pedestrian crosswalks across Canada?

At every turn, our government is finding devious new ways to bend-us-over and shake our collective purses. Higher fines for this, steeper penalties for that, all under the guise that they actually give a ****.

Had just about enough!

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
LH I am 99% in agreement with you.

quote:Originally posted by Little Hawk
At every turn, our government is finding devious new ways to bend-us-over and shake our collective purses. Higher fines for this, steeper penalties for that, all under the guise that they actually give a ****.
Correct me if I’m wrong but was it not the Liberals that started the gun registry?
Is it not the current government (PC) that is trying to get rid of it?
If few NDP’s and Liberlal MP had voted with the PC the registry would have been gone. We must know wait for a new session of parliament before the bill can be reintroduced for another vote. This new session can come after the next election or after another prorogue. I heard the PM say that this fight is not over yet. Could be an interesting next election if this issue boils up to the top

I have been fighting this registry since it was suggested so have a long history with it. In fact it was the Honourable Kim Campbell(PC) that was in power when the bill passed. Before that was the FAC process that came into effect in 1978.

A friend of mine at the time was a firearms registrar for the RCMP. He, and all of the other registrars in the county were required to attend a closed door meeting about the registry at which they were informed of this little gem:

"It is the joint decision of all parties of government in Canada to work together to eliminate the private ownership of firearms in this country over the next 30 plus years"</u>

So, there you have it.

No matter who is in power in this country, at any time in the future, it is an agreed upon all-party policy to eliminate firearms. Period.

Your vote means nothing because the buerocrats in the background have a joint agreement.

On the surface it appears we have a democracy, but when they negotiate the votes behind the scene to make it appear that there was a fair vote, it's not a fair vote.

Kim Campbell was the scapegoat when the registry was first brought in. A sacrificial female prime minister. She used the Marc Lepiene Massacre in Quebec as the trigger to get support for the bill and it narrowly passed getting in.

Now it's a money cash-cow for the Gov't and the added costs to gun owners are driving us away as well as making it cost prohibitive to become a hunter or shooter.

Now that the vote is over we'll all crawl back into our holes and ***** and complain about how unfair it all is, but because we're civilized Canadians we won't actually do a gosh darned thing about it. Me included.

My own personal plan is to try and go shooting and hunting as often as I can while I still have the right to do so. If you really want to make a difference take a kid shooting or introduce someone to the sport. Hold an "open to the public shoot" and invite everyone to come and experience the fun of shooting. Just maybe we can get enough support to actually make a difference. At the very least we can prolong the fight for our rights just a little longer.

Extinction is Forever
Gun control and gun registry appear to have been in the works for many years, as Bassblaster has pointed out. As a non-gun owner I have only been following the debate when the gun registry was software programmed in the 1990’s. With it’s billion’s of dollars cost over runs, the absurd price for a simple software program amazed me. Who would have thought that the costs would be so high when there have been software programs around for years that do the same thing. As an example you’re drivers license and the registration of your car. Cops can access their laptop, plug in your license plate number and / or your name and tons of info can come up. They can do this from their patrol cars any time they need to. What’s the difference? To me this smacked of some company making huge profits with no oversight from the people of Canada. In effect the government of the day spending other peoples money like it was going out of style. Sorry to me this is just one computer project that has gone totally wrong. In the world of business I have seen examples of this more times than I care to remember. The only difference is that at some point in business you pull the plug and shut down the project. What I see with the gun registry is they just keep putting more money in and I don’t see any end to it. The people that are getting rich on the program surely don’t want to shut it down.

On a moral standpoint I do not see the gun registry having any effect on violent crime.
Do people choose not to kill because their gun is registered? How absurd is that. Did it make any difference in Mayerthorpe with those four RCMP being gunned down? Does organized crime, in our major cities, registry there hand guns? Of course not. They are criminals and aren’t that stupid. Dose the fact that we have a gun registry deter them from having shootouts in our streets?

I would have rather have seen the money, that has been wasted, spent on programs that would have prevented youth from entering a life of crime. That wasted money could have been spent helping abused woman get out of trouble. More money for the cops to bust organized crime and sent the criminals to jail.

Thanks Bassblaster for the insight, as it lead me to this link that showed me how long this has been really going on. My respect and thanks to those that have fought against this.
This link is from the “other side” but it has a good timeline for reference.

Good points Gentlemen!

Never forget, free citizens' of a "FREE and DEMOCRATIC" country need to hold & cherish the 'Right to bear Arms' in order to defend oneself, ones family, ones property, ones Country, and to keep fascist, dictatorial, commie, ego-maniacal politician's in there place.

After all: When they've taken our guns, what do they have to fear from us?

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
All good points guys,

But we do not live in a truly democratic country, it only appears that way. Unlike our American neighbours to the south, we do not have the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Our government can shut us down whenever they want.

Here is some additional food for thought.

There is currently a law on the books that states that all ammunition MUST have the warning labels in both english and french. It was passed shortly before the gun registry went into effect.

Because I was running Canada's national shooting sports magazine at the time, I contacted the manufacturers and asked them if they had any plans to comply with this new piece of legislation.

The president of Federal Ammunition told me politely, "Not in a million Years! If we had to print the labels in two languages there wouldn't be room for the actual label for the ammo, especially on small calibers like .22. Also, we produce an entire years worth of sales for Canada in ONE DAY! It's not worth doing. We can just sell the product to stores in places like Texas and it wouldn't effect our sales."

So, you can own a gun, but if the government wanted, they could eliminate access to ammunition literally overnight. No new ammo coming across the border or from overseas, and all of the ammo currently on the shelf, or in your possession, is contraband and seizable. As law abiding registered gun owners they know exactly who has guns of any kind and therefore the ammo.

Under the law in the registry act, simply owning a firearm gives power to police to enter your residence WITHOUT A WARRANT on the grounds that firearms are present. collecting the ammo you have is easy peasy.

So, we all start reloading? That's great IF we are allowed access to the components.

Since 911, the laws across the line have changed. When I was a kid and my dad and I were running a trapline we used to holiday in the US. WE would bring back all of the ammo and components we were allowed. At that point it was 2000 rounds of loaded ammo, 4 pounds of powder, and 1000 primers per person.

NOW the law has changed. As a Canadian, we are considered NON-resident aliens. It is now ILLEGAL for us to possess any ammunition, primers, powder, or components to produce ammunition or explosive devices of any kind! It is a federal offence under the terrorist act and subject to huge prison sentences!

Since there are only a couple of companies in this country that produce any kind of reloading components, mostly lead shot and not much else, we would run out of components in short order.

Item two,

It is fact that people who use firearms to commit a crime are either hardened criminals, or mentally unstable. We all know that the criminal element will have guns no matter what so that leaves the mentally disturbed.

The government has spent (channelled) billions of taxpayer's dollars through the registry while at the same time eliminating funding for family services and mental health services. How many people could have REALLY been helped with this money? Not to mention education and law enforcement. But this is not really about gun control, it's about people control and the money, and they are getting away with murder.

item three,

When the Canadian armed forces switched from the FN's to the Colt AR variant, did we just buy new guns? NO! WE put out a bid to Canadian companies to manufacture the guns here under licence from Colt. The result? Instead of paying $680.00 US per rifle, we gave the contract to a company in Quebec that manufactured them for a mere $3900.00 per rifle!!

What a deal!! One rifle for the price of 6!! How can I contain my enthusiasm for such a bargain!!

Bottom line? Your government is controlled by the octopus of bureaucrats that do not change jobs when an election comes. This is the reality of the government. These people are entrenched and controlled by lobby groups, big business, and the money they bring to the table.

We get to vote for a Figurehead that we believe is running the country, and acting in our best interest. The last leader that I know of that actually acted on behalf of his people was Kennedy, and we all know what happened to him!

If you don't think this sent a strong message to future politicians, think again. the message is clear.

Try to buck the system and this will happen to you.

Point four,

How many lives did the registry save?

This is a perfect topic for the government. How do you quantify something that didn't happen? Easy, you say whatever you want to because no-one can disprove you! This is like predicting the weather. We know it will be doing something tomorrow, but we can't be certain exactly what.

Tell the people that the registry saves lives and most will believe it because they want to feel safe. It's a primary human need. It doesn't matter that it can't be proven one way or another. As long as the masses have their games and their cake, they'll believe nearly anything and let the gov't continue to reach into their pockets just a little bit deeper each day.

I have spent a good portion of my life fighting the government in this country, either about the gun control bill or the tax department, and I can tell you that the only way to take them on is with LARGE numbers of people, and a lot of money. If we don't get our poop in a group and really band together, they will always beat us. Lets do something about it.

Extinction is Forever