Local Flooding

Yea, one of my buddies called me from a long line-up at a gas station here in Victoria where he was waiting for fuel. I am not going to worry about it. I have two vehicles here with some gas in them and if there was an actual shortage over time rather than some silly panic buying, I could go over and get some gas out of the big Silverado which is in storage and has a huge fuel tank. I would guess there is also 50 or 60 gals in the boat tank, so I am good. Most likely, this will just blow over. The guys who have at least one vehicle that is all electric probably have a smile on their face about now.
The issue with fuel in Victoria is trucking it down from Nanaimo. Should be a few days of pain then back to normal. Refinery in Burnaby have ample crude. Was talking to our fuel supplier at work
My friend that was stuck in hope paid a boat 250 bucks to get him out to chilliwack

I think it’s a pretty big failure that people have had to hire private boats and choppers to get out.
My friend that was stuck in hope paid a boat 250 bucks to get him out to chilliwack

I think it’s a pretty big failure that people have had to hire private boats and choppers to get out.
My buddy is doing that tomorrow morning too haha.
sounds like they may be opening hwy to get out

He has to get to his house/wife in yarrow. I think highway 9 is still closed. So I guess he’s sticking to the boat ride and waiting for the water to drop and then going to get his truck

update. He’s home now. They opened up enough of the road to get home. Still on evacuation notice at home though
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Wow. Going take years to rebuild.

I was laughing today on social media and elsewhere of how stupid people can be. Everyone is now an expert in engineering and infrastructure. You couldn't have planned for that.

This flooding isn't normal like that heatwave in summer. Never ever seen anything like this.

But, but, according to someone above there have been 19 events like this the past 67 years.

Who knew?

Take care.
The issue with fuel in Victoria is trucking it down from Nanaimo. Should be a few days of pain then back to normal. Refinery in Burnaby have ample crude. Was talking to our fuel supplier at work

Majority of fuel is loaded out of here,

and some from here

Most of the fuel on island is delivered throughout the night, its cut the fleet in half, idiots are the 2nd AND all the NON Essential traffic on the fn hyway!!,
Had 2 of my trucks stuck in Vic on Monday night and last night!
Monday they slept in the cabs as they were in Goldstream when they closed it down. Yesterday after they made their deliveries and couldnt get back got them rooms at Best Western down town..
Stay home people if you dont absolutely need to be somewhere... ie Essential!!
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This work around should help until the damage on the Malahat is repaired. Not sure if they can transport large fuel trucks. I think they usually barge them over from the mainland.

Fuel is a "dangerous cargo"
I doubt this is going to alleviate fuel issues down island..
Most tankers are based on the island in Chemainus (Bridgeway) and North of Duncan by the scale (Scamp)
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Those farmers are in a tough spot- people criticise anyone who raises animals accusing them of exploitation & abuse now they're told to 'just let brute animals drown' is it any wonder they continue to try & protect their livelihood and not bother listening to noise?

Its so bad over in the valley theres talk of shipping dairy cows over to our dairy farms on the island
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Our insurance premiums will be hitting a new record next year - No matter where you live or if you’ve been affected by this storm or not.
I was trying to finalize a policy with a new insurance company on Friday to avoid a huge increase by my current provider. Promised to call me back in a few hours. Never did. When I did a follow up, I was told they were not writing new policies due to flooding in my area.(Nanoose). I think the closest flooding was the Englishman which is almost 9 miles away.
I was trying to finalize a policy with a new insurance company on Friday to avoid a huge increase by my current provider. Promised to call me back in a few hours. Never did. When I did a follow up, I was told they were not writing new policies due to flooding in my area.(Nanoose). I think the closest flooding was the Englishman which is almost 9 miles away.
It doesn't matter if you are potentially flood or not. All of our policies will increase to share the load. They are just trying to figure out how much they will need to increase your policy. Even fires in California that destroy homes will affect our rates in BC.
It doesn't matter if you are potentially flood or not. All of our policies will increase to share the load. They are just trying to figure out how much they will need to increase your policy. Even fires in California that destroy homes will affect our rates in BC.
When the premiums on my boat insurance went up a few years ago, it was explained as the side effect of the hurricane Katrina!! They’ve now become even more agile with aligning their risk models with the climate change events.
Underwriters share the risk across their entire client base and keep the rewards to their shareholders.