Lawsuit against Trump Adm. over Salmon Fishing.


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Conservation groups threaten lawsuit against Trump administration over salmon fishing
Posted 12:15 PM, December 18, 2018, by Associated Press and Q13 News Staff, Updated at 12:19PM, December 18, 2018
SEATTLE (AP) — Two conservation groups say the federal government is violating the Endangered Species Act by failing to consider how salmon fishing off the West Coast is affecting endangered killer whales.

The Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity and the Washington state-based Wild Fish Conservancy on Tuesday notified President Donald Trump’s administration that they intend to file a lawsuit within 60 days unless officials reevaluate whether the fishing further jeopardizes orcas that frequent the inland waters of the Pacific Northwest.

The population “southern resident” orcas is down to 74 — the lowest number in decades. No calf born in the last three years has survived as the orcas struggle with a dearth of their favored prey, chinook salmon, as well as pollution and vessel noise.

The conservation groups note that commercial and recreational fishing claimed more than 200,000 chinook off the Pacific Coast last year.

Meanwhile, Gov. Jay Inslee has proposed a $1.1 billion plan to save the southern resident orcas. Watch his exclusive TV interview with Q13 here:
They dropped it in canada because the government of canada has the ultimate say over the endangered species act and the fisheries minister said he would not issue an emergency order, Thus they had no legal ground but their lawsuit did accomplish lots, including total finfish closures in protect areas, that DFO had before the lawsuit as non retention.

In washington state not only are the southern residents listed but they also have 8 different chinook stocks listed. In the states ESA chinook are listed as part of SRKW critical habitat as well.


""Salmon harvest actions are evaluated under the ESA to ensure that the harvest management regimes will not jeopardize the continued existence of ESA-listed salmon or killer whales or adversely modify their designated critical habitat."