Interesting 1980 Commercial Landing Stats


Well-Known Member
My wife came across some of my dad's stuff in the crawl space, and found a BC Catch Statistics by Area/Gear from DFO Pacific Region for 1980. Some interesting fun facts. Would be interesting to fast forward to compare 1980 to 2020 or 2019....anyone have that data so we can do some interesting comparisons on what has changed in 4 decades....40 years. Crisis, what crisis? Global warming isn't real? Urbanization and habitat destruction isn't real? Overfishing? Sustainability?

Would be even more interesting to see if we could dig up comparisons for actual river escapement estimates then (1980) and now.

I'm sure there are some real investigative folks on the forum who can help out on data mining. Let's see what we dig up...challenge flag tossed down.


South Coast

Gill Net = 1156
Seine = 660
Troll = 681

Drilling down to the Fraser....

GN - 469
No Seine or Troll catch

Interesting because the commercial fishery is oft blamed for the demise of Thompson Steelhead. Hmmm

South Coast Chinook:

GN - Red Ch = 37,983
Seine - Red Ch = 29,125
GN - Whites = 227
Seine - Whites = 925
Mixed (Red/White) Troll = 784,468

South Coast Sockeye:

GN = 413,497
Seine = 1,406,258
Troll = 42,569

South Coast Coho:

GN = 85,282
Seine = 256,366
Troll = 2,058,195