Halibut fishermen decry early season closings

So that is $4million per 100,000 pounds of quota to buy permanently. With 130,000 annual resident licenses sold this year with a $50 buck up fee added equals 6.5 mil each year. We could buy 150,000 pounds per year for 4 or 5 years and never have to worry about running out of quota or being closed early again. Your going to spend $50 on gas driving to the SFAB meetings anyway each year, just to hear what you don't want to hear. I say $50 bucks a year is cheap and its done.

Think about it, the price goes up as the demand goes up.
If you were a holder of quota you would never sell it only lease it.
This is all about putting pressure on the Government to do the right thing.
EVERYTHING is for sale for a price. If you 70 years old and sitting on a license and quota what is better? Sell today and enjoy it all...or keep leasing and die before the next season? We only need to buy out a few licenses...if money is offered some will step forward.
Just to add, if halibut farms crop up in 5 years what is that quota worth? It can go both ways..and that is why I consider the license and quota similar to holding stocks. It can be like gold or just as easily fire lighting paper.
Just to add, if halibut farms crop up in 5 years what is that quota worth? It can go both ways..and that is why I consider the license and quota similar to holding stocks. It can be like gold or just as easily fire lighting paper.

A private members bill was passed in the House of Commons knows as the "User
Fee Act". This act handcuffs the government from using any user fee to lease
quota. So even though the Recreational Sector agreed to pay for the quota,
we cannot because of our own Governments rule.

I believe there is not a way for us to do this?

The bigger question is Why - as a Canadian why am I looking at buying something that is a Canadian allocation?
I pay taxs why should I pay for something that is every Canadian should be able to fish? Why should the Flipper skippers control it?
just my too bits :)
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I smell 'Quota Amendment'!

It is the way the truth and the light...
It will be easier to get the change I'm suggesting than getting the 88/12 changed. (both with DFO and the commercial guys) Buying up licenses only helps DFO manage the fishery better, also no cost to them, and the guys selling are happy, not pissed because it is being taken away. Put yourself in their shoes. Derby if tomorrow you were told you could pay $50 and your halibut fishery was secured forever, you would say no, free or nothing?
PRO it wont happen it was brought forth yrs ago but with the act that was introduced THEY can not implement it, so you might as well give up on that idea YES would it be good ?? maybe......... but it will never happen.
What derby said earlier why should we pay for a canadien allocation.
Yourself and many of the guides on here put way more than enough money into the economy and towards the purchase of lic to go to the HABITAT fund if we got back more than 1 dollar from all those sales from the $6.42 they collect.

Cmon that money was put into from the sales HERE on the westcoast it should stay here plain and simple I bet you the monies collected are in the millions from the lic sales enough to "buy" quota. again why should we???

Its a complete mess, they want to use the 88/12 to there advantage yet in the same bill it says "NO IN SEASON CLOSURES" oooohhhh but when it doesnt benifit them they do what ever they want. You cant pick and choose what and what cannot be used in a bill but they sure seem to if they can close it in a blink of an eye they can also change but they dont want to because they could care less about us on the west coast (QUITE APPERENT).

So thats why a letter campaign and flood them with calls e-mails etc they will finally think "Wow we better pull back".
I have to admit the FN have it right!!!! all it took is one letter from a chief to say its discrimnation for his food fish and they were almost willing to shut down(and its not over yet guys) the sportfishing to all of us and thats only ONE letter one can only have faith if we flood them with thousands a change will happen.
So in closing everyone PLEASE write one and send them to all MP especially the oppistion its the only way we will win more media and atteniton the better...

Good luck Wolf
Sorry Roy I don't agree that the $120 I've contributed by way of the last 20 years of stamps is going to save enough salmon habitat to make a difference. You can spend millions on a single system to fix it to the point that fish stand a chance at recovering to historic numbers.
The revenue from all license sales is chump change when it comes to the overall cost of managing, protecting and rebuilding BC's salmon fishery.
One other point...a single letter from a Native Chief is very effective (call it intimidating) when it follows on the heals of a history of civil violence and a disregard for the law if they don't get their way. Now if we could get away with an "Oka" then maybe or letters would be taken more seriously too.
How do you come up with 120??? That money is supposed to be on top of lic and for habitat only thats why it was introduced and we get a whole dollar out of the 6 bucks sent back to the west coast.Im just saying all the lic. you personally have sold for 1 day3day trips etc. just you and you alone I bet you if you started adding it all up over those yrs the number would be Astonishing.
I just wish all the monies collected from lic and "salmon stamp" which used to be called (habitat conservation fund) up until a few yrs ago stayed in B.C. not back to ottawa. you cant argue that!!!!!

How do you come up with 120??? That money is supposed to be on top of lic and for habitat only thats why it was introduced and we get a whole dollar out of the 6 bucks sent back to the west coast.
.......Weeellllll 6 bux over 20 years is $120.
That was another way to get another $6 out of us...... Somebody prove me wrong but show me how it didn't go into the general coffers and had anything if anything to do with the payroll to the hatcheries/habitat enhancement??
I'm not going to take the credit for selling fishing licenses and make it something where I deserve a pat on the back for. Those licenses would be sold regardless. I sell on average 9 books a season to those who don't already have one. Most are day licenses and the average used to be 60% non-resident and 40% resident. Which makes sense because more locals are going to already have theirs in hand. Lets say 225 licenses a year and $20.00 each (including stamps) to round everything to a close number. That is $4,500 per year from me. That won't even pay for the front doors on the building we are constructing right now on Charters Creek let alone make a dent in salmon restoration. We had this conversation last night at the 6 Mile, as a group we have a way higher percentage of users (takers) than contributors. A few guys involved and working when ever they can for the cause and the other vast majority just lip service and fishing as often as they can.
Very true Rollie but like I said "IF" that 6 bucks were to stay in BC although we only get a buck from it well the rest of the lic we know go into coffers anyways so dont even count on that. That stamp was for "HABITAT" and habit only so where is it all going??? makes me wonder......Times your amount with say a few thousand stores,lodges,charters etc that sell lic i bet you the number is very high. maybe someone has the number??? Charlie your good and finding that sort of stuff?????
I think your undercutting yourself you and every other guide bring in a LOT of money to all of the communities involved.Along with a few sporties who bring in friends and family from out of town/province.

MESS you bet it is..

Roy, there are 2 distinct and separate issues here. The 1st is money contributed from sport fishing whether from licenses, boat sales, hotel stays etc etc. That adds up to a lot of revenue to the government, more than the other fishing sectors. But that money just goes to general revenue, not directly back to fish. There are hundreds of groups across this country that contribute as much or more to that same pot. Then the 2nd (and the most important) is how much do we as the largest (in numbers) user group donate by way of money or time back directly to the resource. I can tell you that the group I'm working with to restore Juan De Fuca watersheds, which includes the Charters Cr project are mostly ex-commercial fishermen. I'm the lone true sportie!!!!! Well I'm not really 100% sport because I consider running a charter business, a commercial venture.
So that is about 1.5 M per year. You would have to save up about a 100 years worth to make a substantial dent in the habitat problem. It is all a big joke. More money needs to be injected now. Don't expect non-fishers to vote for more of general revenue going to the cause. Either we do it or forget it.
Rolly, your passion and input into this debauchery is both welcomed and admirable. I enjoyed the debate with you, Chris and Tom the other night, even if I was a little whacked and rambled off topic occasionally. Although I'm new to hali-fishing, I can feel the winds-of-change beginning to brew. I stand by my assertion that the legislation amendment approach should be the one we take here. The allocation formula - though well intended from the outset - is flawed and unfair and I'm in the camp that says we already pay dearly - by way of capital expenditure for boats, gas, tackle, licences, BEER - for the great privilege to fish.

Why the hell should we bend-over and pay more? Soon, if the cost to fish continues to escalate, more and more of us will get out of it and one day our Grandchildren or Great Grandchildren won't enjoy the same opportunities as we do and have done because DFO really doesn't give a flyin' fug about us or Wild Fish; they've proven it time and time again. Government would be just as happy to turn protein production completely over to the Norwegian fish farmers as they don't have to manage, or conserve, or regulate, or restore anything. The process started way back when they sat on their collective-asses while corporate logging giants ran whilly-nilly over our salmon habitat, then carried on with the decimation of the industry with the famous 'boat-buy-back' back in the 90's that put 1500 or so commies on the rocks and sent the way of life of how many families into the history books? Moreover, with us out of their way they wouldn't have to be accountable to the likes of us who really do care about the WILD resource and really do understand its immense value to all peoples and critters that live here.

I'm with Holmes on this one Rolly. WE SHOULD DRAW THE LINE HERE AND MAKE OUR STAND!

Our kids and grand kids will see, then learn from, and follow in our example that we set here.

In closing, I humbly remind us all that this is not the place to discuss strategy - trust me, other eyes are always upon us here - so, not only do we all need to be careful what we write here, we need to arrange a meeting to make a plan that will produce results rather than lip-service. Let's get as many of us South Island boys on board as possible so we can chuck the proverbial boulder into the pond and get the ripple-effect happening clear across the country!

I'd be happy to see Chris Bos or Alcock or the likes to head up this meeting and I'd be there WITH BELLS ON!
I'd be happy to see Chris Bos or Alcock or the likes to head up this meeting and I'd be there WITH BELLS ON!

There is something in the works for this in the new year ;)