Hakkai Pass Timing / Overall 2012 Spring Run Timing


Well-Known Member
Is there any one out there familiar with central coast run timing and/or, anyone who has a handle on the general spring run timing for the 2012 season (are they on time or maybe a bit late?) ?

Reason I'm asking---I was planning a trip to Hakkai Pass last week July/first week August. However.....My mother just passed away last week and me and my bros are having a memorial for her on 03 August--- it now looks like I'll have to put the trip off to Hakkai until second week + third week August.

Will I have missed the bulk of the Hakkai Pass spring run by then? (I'm not interested in going into Rivers, and not interested in pounding on cohos)

So.......would I be better off pulling the plug on the trip and going to Uke instead if I'm limited to that time frame?

The Port Hardy contingent has been conspicuously quiet so far this season---curious to hear how things are going up there to help me decide on what to do this summer. I really had my heart set on Hakkai and Cultus Sound for this summer

thanks for any and all comments!
the first week of August should be bang-on for Hakai.

Is there any one out there familiar with central coast run timing and/or, anyone who has a handle on the general spring run timing for the 2012 season (are they on time or maybe a bit late?) ?

Reason I'm asking---I was planning a trip to Hakkai Pass last week July/first week August. However.....My mother just passed away last week and me and my bros are having a memorial for her on 03 August--- it now looks like I'll have to put the trip off to Hakkai until second week + third week August.

Will I have missed the bulk of the Hakkai Pass spring run by then? (I'm not interested in going into Rivers, and not interested in pounding on cohos)

So.......would I be better off pulling the plug on the trip and going to Uke instead if I'm limited to that time frame?

The Port Hardy contingent has been conspicuously quiet so far this season---curious to hear how things are going up there to help me decide on what to do this summer. I really had my heart set on Hakkai and Cultus Sound for this summer

thanks for any and all comments!

the first week of August should be bang-on for Hakai. I fished at Joe's for several seasons and the best chinook fishing was the first week of August. try the Gap or Spider Island for big smileys.
Not sure about this year but the fishing should still be good. I normally go up 1st week and the fishing doesn't really seem to be slowing down when I leave. With the way my vacation worked this year I am going up the 3rd of August and staying until the 11th or so. We will be fishing all over: Cultus, Spider Island, Rivers, and a few other places.