Government launches review of environmental and regulatory processes

lets hope they carry this out and make some changes for the better...
agree, but both levels could use major improvements...
Ottawa is not going change anything. I was wrong about Trudeau and his party on this issue. I fully believed he would take this head on. Boy was I stupid.
Ottawa is not going change anything. I was wrong about Trudeau and his party on this issue. I fully believed he would take this head on. Boy was I stupid.
It's the system. Basically the country got to vote and change the colour of the drapes at 24 Sussex Drive - but it's the same garbage man, maid - and every other worker in the government. Our system is so broken - and playing the party system facilitates that. The real players are the lobbyists and the upper-level bureaucrats who really make and carry-out the decisions behind closed doors. We could govern so much better than the system they would have us believe we are stuck with.