I don't think so...It's crap how big businessmen can own most of the herring fleet and pillage our salmon's food. Regarndless if the market is in the dumps. They will no doubt store yet another years catch in cold storage just incase Japan uses up their huge glut in salt roe....WHY NOT LEAVE THE F*&*ING THINGS ALONE!!!!! Especially if the market is down. Now they are just fishing for the sake of fishing, E.I. stamps ect....Total Joke IMO. The demographic in Japan is changing & young people are more into McDonalds than crusty salty herring roe!!! Please, lets just give it up and leave our herring for our salmon to eat. If we must still supply herring roe, we should only allow a SPAWN ON KELP fishery. Produce a far superior product worth far more money and not slaughter soo many herring. No body seems to want to do this because it involves more work!!!! AWWWW, I don't know about you people, but I don't feel too sorry for someone having to work a little harder to take such a valuable resource. Once again, DFO will let us down and fish the Georgia Straight herring into and see.....
quote:Originally posted by bigredsnapper

I don't think there's any kelp left in the Strait.

The "work" part involves collecting Kelp from other areas. I wasn't trying to offend anyone with that comment either. The idea came from talking to a herring fisherman about this and his reply was "but we'd have to get the kelp from somewhere" It just seemed to me that it's something that CAN be done, but if given the choice, nobody will do it because of the consierable extra effort. My rant is all about the Herring and the salmon and the fact that I disagree with the herring fishery. Please feel free to correct me if I give any incorrect info....but also please explain so we can all learn more about the fishery.

"...Once again, DFO will let us down...." I am still waiting for them to get ONE right...let alone let us down! Seals, commercial fisheries, racist fisheries, halibut quotas, American Charter operations taking our resources, herring fisheries...the list of topics that DFO/FOC has failed miserably, time after time, goes on and on. I am not surprised any more that they continually fail to get it right as they don't have the ability to get it right! Now one only has to figure out why they are so inept. Some say it is policy...others say staffing...while the cynical of us may say that it is corruption. Maybe it's time fisherman bought a politician because, believe it or not, they are for sale!

Fishing Guide

Let's go fishing, eh!
What do you think Jimmies farmed fish eat? After the Roe is collected, and keep in mind that is only females, the rest is ground up for such important products as fish feed and pet food. "Never before has so much been wasted so as so few can make so much"
quote:Originally posted by Klob

What do you think Jimmies farmed fish eat? After the Roe is collected, and keep in mind that is only females, the rest is ground up for such important products as fish feed and pet food. "Never before has so much been wasted so as so few can make so much"

That and vast amounts of Krill scooped up in the Straight...might as well take the juvi's food as well......
Jimmy is already rich, he shouldn't be greedy at all/ tell him to leave the fish alone. I wonder when Jimmy passes away, the fish stocks will recover?
They also have to feed all the fish,dolphins etc at the aquarium.
Here we go again....
ayup!! resources come and go, environment... oh well! It is all about the mighty buck, let's create some jobs and keep the voters happy(well, most of them since majority counts)
Same old bloody story.
Why do you suppose, the DFO (read Gov.) doesn't seem to do much about this issues? Reality check: It's not priority! Just look to the people's count that signed up for the Wild Salmon Alliance on this forum...84. Saving the salmon is not an issue of importance to a lot of people it seems. It might be of paramount importance to a few of us fools but in the big scheme of things...
Imagine if someone came and said oil is on the brink of beeing exhausted within five years. First page material!
I was reading just the other day in the Columnist that fishfarming is beneficial to the pink runs[:0]

I am running out of Peptobismol so please if the post will deal with some extinction or other please give some warning:D

Ignorance is bliss. Now go take the blue pill!

Rain or shine is fishing tommorow[8D]
cheers yall

quote:Originally posted by Fishing Guide


"...Once again, DFO will let us down...." I am still waiting for them to get ONE right...let alone let us down! Seals, commercial fisheries, racist fisheries, halibut quotas, American Charter operations taking our resources, herring fisheries...the list of topics that DFO/FOC has failed miserably, time after time, goes on and on. I am not surprised any more that they continually fail to get it right as they don't have the ability to get it right! Now one only has to figure out why they are so inept. Some say it is policy...others say staffing...while the cynical of us may say that it is corruption. Maybe it's time fisherman bought a politician because, believe it or not, they are for sale!

Fishing Guide

Let's go fishing, eh!