Forecast not looking good for B.C.'s salmon stocks

Gooey Bob, we are funding the efforts you are talking about. $5.30 of every $6.30 we pay for "Salmon Conservation Tags" is being diverted to provincial General Revenue, rather than being used for it's stated purpose! If the money collected was actually used to enhance salmon, many of the programs you envision would be funded. Sadly, just another blatant theft by the provincial Lie</u>berals.

To much water, too little time
Roger that MC.

I've often stated to friends that I personally would have no problem doubling or even trilping my license costs if I could be assured this money would go back to the resource. So far, it appears that with a provincial gov't that is intent on completely gutting MoE, and a federal gov't that has enacted idiotic laws like the "User Fee Act", that we're unlikely to see this happening any time soon.

Too bad, take 300,000, multiply by $20.00 or even $50.00 each and you've got a pretty decent budget for enhancement, habitat rehab etc.
