Fishing Nootka Sound Video


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just finished my first video editing project. I have been going through the video from the Go Pro and assembling some disks for customers. I also did a 2012 Nootka video for you tube. Here is the link: See what you think.
Great stuff profisher. I enjoyed that a lot. I liked the music as well.

The only thing I could recommend from a viewer's prospective is to throw in a couple of more different angle shot's. Who am I to say though I had a go pro on the boat all season and never remembered to take it out or turn it on lol :D.

Thanks for sharing.
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I had a handheld on board for the customers to grab and catch what they could so I could go back and forth doing exactly what you said. I showed them how to use it at the start of the trip but it just sat there. I think when they see this they may pick it up in the future and use it.
Very nice! Hope this won't be your last video!

When were you there this year? I was there second week in August and the Tahsis Inlet was dead then fishingwise. Waters 21 degrees warm and tons of mackerel everywhere. Only good fish I have seen hitting the docks came from offshore and from my boat ofcourse :D

Very picturesque inlet though.
Always the last 2 weeks of July. Water is always warm on the surface...averages 65F. The lodge had a hole in one golf driving range set up with a floating green to land on. One of the guides would routinely put on the wetsuit and go retrieve the balls off the bottom. He said that once you get 10 feet down it gets ocean that warm water is a top layer only. There were days with lots of Mac's and you will see in the video that some fish are being caught on plugs. If the Mac's were rolling on the surface where I wanted to fish...the plugs were deployed. Thankfully they produced quite well. 5 inch 602's were the ticket.
I didn't want to use the audio from the Go Pro it isn't the best...can be hard to hear what is being said. I've also seen other video's and the f-bomb is used way too much. I didn't have that problem with the footage I had...I may have used it a few times. LOL But for my purposes I don't want that on my vids so the music works great. If you can find the right music it sets a mood and enhances the end product in my opinion. I'm doing another long version for trade shows and I will use less music but dub in some narrative. I have friends in radio who are looking for someone who will do this for me. I don't want to do it because it will sound to much like it is being read instead of flowing naturally. Best to use someone with that talent...and that is not me.
sweet video Profisher!

Good idea. I agree with you on the f-bomb stuff. We all do it but some youtube stuff is foul and turns video audio bad. I started a members video thread, so re-post it there and going forward we can talk video production. It seems it is getting more and more popular.
Profisher,looks to me like july fishing in Nootka was better than when I was there mid August. Great video. Keep them coming..
If I may suggest an improvement, profisher and others, try capturing the strike moment. This is by far the most exciting part of fishing!
to get the strike moment is either sheer luck that the camera is rolling, or you are willing to burn up camera batteries and memory cards in hope you catch that moment...I'd rather hope for luck with the camera rolling than to finally catch that strike on film, only to run out of memory or battery because you have been filming, waiting for the rod to pop.

I will post a few videos (uploading now) to the new members videos thread in the General Section.
I bought Scotties new camera pivot mount holder this year and bolted it onto one of my rocket launchers. Camera sits on it at all times, if its raining, I throw a bag over it. Covers the entire back of my deck. Good value at $ 21.
Hey if you guys are interested in making videos my daughters boyfriend just Graduated from Vancouver Art Institute and has started up a Buisness doing this type of thing. Get in touch PM me if interested.
Nice video. I like to take a camera but invariably forget to shoot any film. After seeing yours it may motivate me to try again next year. Gene
It is so easy to think...ahh forget it not today. The most important shots to get are the fillers. I wish now that I had taken the time to shoot more stuff around and in the lodge, wildlife etc with the handheld. When your putting the video together you think about all the shots you could have taken that you can now use, but you don't have. I will be shooting a lot more next year. BTW the only strikes I caught happened when I forgot to turn the camera off after landing a fish and caught the next one before I remembered.
Good video Rollie. I mounted my gopro up at the rocket launcher area. It covers the back deck and rod area. The big thing is remembering to turn it on. I have a couple of good one including the rod going off.
Next season I will get into it more.