Fishing area 16 and the southern part of 15


New Member
Hi I'm new to the forum I recently moved to the Powell river area and as we are getting settled in my thoughts are naturally turning to fishing. I am based out of saltery bay and have found it hard to get much information on the area. It seems most folks around Powell river fish out in front / coho point / grants reef etc. it isn't practical for me to run up that far in my little boat I think black point would be my outer limit for distance. We have pretty limited gear and no electronics here and I will have to be mooching, jigging or fishing plugs etc tyee pool style. I will mostly be fishing with my boys who are 5 and 3 so I imagine we will spend a lot of time harassing lingcod and just fish salmon on the tide changes or first light/ last light.
I am very experienced on the west coast and Campbell river fisheries so I have a good handle on the basics although the lack of riggers and electronics will make it more challenging. What I'm hoping to find out are a few general areas, the time of year, and what the normal baitfish would be. I don't need to steal any secrets that would be plenty of info to get me started. Thanks in advance.
I have fished schools of coho this time of year on the surface from the launch at saltry bay to thunder bay ,off octopus pt.spin cast 3"buzz bomb blue and white or pink if you can chuck a 2" your better off.i don't know how many are clipped.I have fished from shore Brew bay between black and kelly pts for coho this time of year.I was told today a 41lb spring was caught around black pt this last week.