Well I be the first to say it
With so many other choices for venues
For this art in the park or what ever it's called
There is no reason what so ever for the ramp to be closed
Saxe point park could have easily accommodated it with more than enough parking
The guys down there do a ton of **** for the community not to mention
What they do for the fishery.
If you have been catching fish out front you can almost bet it's due to there efforts.
It's a pile of political muscle flexing ********!!
There I am done
Didn't they leave the ramp open the last time they had this event? I recall launching and seeing a life size metal/chrome bear next to the club house...
Isn't it only 3 days? I am not saying it's right but victoria you can go out of pedder...just need to drive..or use other ramps that aren't as good...strange the art show probably paid cash to use site... At least it's not like other places like say nanaimo etc..where there isn't alternative..Sounds ****** anyway....
Tell u what tell me who to send it to and I will state I am coming in out of town but went to pedder instead... which is true anyway.
SV, lots of smaller boats fish Esquimalt and breakwater. Those other launches don't work for various reasons. Like... proximity to the fishing grounds if the wind comes up, lack of parking, no docks for guys fishing alone with glass boats, ability to launch and retrieve at all tides.
Right now there are a lot of bigger fish in our zone, we have a small window to target them and this may be our last weekend to have a go at them.
It's unfortunate it's closed, I feel there's a better location (Saxe point) where we can have the art event and the anglers can fish. Everyone wins. :)
I'd also like to add, I hope the folks that show up to launch that aren't aware of the closure are civil about the matter.
Coming unglued will serve no good purpose. It's not the fault of the people involved in the event there.

It sucks it's closed but diplomacy is the best avenue to ensuring this doesn't happen next year.
Just returned from the Art Show and while the exhibits where very well made, the attendance while I was there from 1pm till 130 was never over 100 people. Almost all exhibits were along the walkway and on top of the hill overlooking the boat launch. There was also lots of parking and I think with the help of a few people the boaters could have launched their craft safely and everyone would have benefited. Only 3 boats out front of today and water was flat. Cattle Pt launch was full as we dropped in there at 2pm today.
This is what I sent to the Municipality. There is also a fair bit of discussion on the Victoria Reports Thread and I know that a number of anglers have contacted Esq. about their concern with the closing of the ramp for this event.

As an Esquimalt resident, property owner, taxpayer, voter and angler I wish to express my great displeasure with the decision to close down the Fleming Beach Boat launch and trailer and truck parking area for three days to run some sort of Art flea market.

That period of time has acceptable tides/currents for deep water sport Halibut fishing and there are not very many of those days, especially with safe weather. Anglers come from up island and the mainland to fish out of this launch in addition to all the locals.

There is no other equivalent launch in the Greater Victoria area and it is absurd that this critical marine infrastructure is to be closed down for such a purpose for three whole days. This is especially true when one considers all the alternatives Public Parking lots that are available for such a purpose including the Gorge and Saxe Point Parks.

This will I assume also put this launch out of action for official use in the event of a nearby marine disaster . Should such an unlikely event occur, the press will have a field day with this decision.

There are hundreds of thousands of Salt water fishing licenses sold on this coast each year and other communities recognize the great financial benefit that sport fishing brings to their communities and actively spend money to promote and attract tourists to come and fish. That is why Port Alberni and Campbell River fight it out to claim the title of Salmon Fishing Capital of the World.

In addition to angling tourism they want those with a great love of fishing to retire in their communities and bring with them a lifetime of accumulated wealth contributing millions to their local economy. Esquimalt has great fishing including Salmon and Halibut that is second to none, how unfortunate that with this decision Esquimalt appears to have chosen to do the opposite.

The on line fishing forums frequented by thousands of anglers are abuzz with this questionable decision. Hopefully this special event can be moved and never repeated at this location in future years.