Drinking aboard your boat!

Nice, that was a good one cuttlefish. Good to see someone with a sense of humour.
what frustrates me is that people think just because THEY dont like a law they can ignore it or feel above it. this is 2015 not 1970. as far as i am concerned if you drink and operate a vehicle it should be a 2 year jail sentence and a $5000 fine. even if its just 1 drink. its not rocket science the distuction that alcohol causes. i have no respect for anyone who drinks and takes the wheel of anything.

Must be a tough drive to work. Seeing all those people on cell phones while driving. Just sayin.
so something i do not understand after lurking on this post is.

when i'm drinking a bottle on rum and coke aboard a boat, does the federal law prevail or does provincial law prevail. so far everyone is showing links to provincial drinking, which would be right if you are in a lake. But i drink and drive on federal waters, So what are federal laws? are they any different than prov?

it my understanding that if caught by a peace officer they can treat the infraction just as a road side and give you a DUI and take your drivers lic. there's no jail time or large fines
Just wondering bones, when was the last time that you checked on the DUI ( or impaired in Canada) fines. They costs are quite substantial as well as loosing your licence for many months. If you are talking federal or Criminal Code, then there is also court appearances, which include lawyers and other costs. Not exactly how I see it as not costly.
Just wondering bones, when was the last time that you checked on the DUI ( or impaired in Canada) fines. They costs are quite substantial as well as loosing your licence for many months. If you are talking federal or Criminal Code, then there is also court appearances, which include lawyers and other costs. Not exactly how I see it as not costly.

mmm i wrote no large fines not costs...... meaning, no large $5000.00 fine just a $600.00. which in my mind isnt as costly as 5000
could or can VPD marine board your boat and issue ticket? fine
could or can VPD marine board your boat and issue ticket? fine

Yes, if you're acting like a donkey but if not, they will likely just remind you of the laws (or maybe not). Cops are people too and will use discretion.

At least that's been my experience.
Pretty sure most people have a beer when trolling. I have personal watch my buddy's boat get boarded by the rcmp it was in Bella Bella it was a large police boat from prince Rupert. It was around noon there were open beers onboard everyone had been drinking a little but not drunk. The rcmp didn't say one word about the beers just asked to see all safety equipment, boat operator card and pleasure craft licence. That was it then they where off to the next boat to do there check. I'm pretty sure they are well aware that a lot of us have a beer or two on the water.
GUFFAW GUFFAW they don't enforce the law so its ok. are you freaking kidding me. some of you guys need to get out of the past and into 2015. if you need some cop or a fisheries officer to give you a ticket for something any reasonable person knows is wrong then I do not see any point discussing it with you! I,m afraid that you will not change your behaviour because it is the right thing to do. you will just go of guffawing about howmany beers or rums you drink while on the water.
GUFFAW GUFFAW they don't enforce the law so its ok. are you freaking kidding me. some of you guys need to get out of the past and into 2015. if you need some cop or a fisheries officer to give you a ticket for something any reasonable person knows is wrong then I do not see any point discussing it with you! I,m afraid that you will not change your behaviour because it is the right thing to do. you will just go of guffawing about howmany beers or rums you drink while on the water.

I guess you never go over the speed limit!!
Hit a nerve there did I? Can't think for myself? Buddy, your a fool. Pretty hard to make any kind of assumption about somebody from a few posts on an Internet forum. I'll just raise a beer to you next time I'm in my boat.
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Hit a nerve there did I? Can't think for myself? Buddy, your a fool. Pretty hard to make any kind of assumption about somebody from a few posts on an Internet forum. I'll just raise a beer to you next time I'm in my boat.
So I,m closer to right than wrong about being drunk . no where does my post say you can not think for yourself, unless you read that into it. I said you deflected the subject and that only works on people who can not think for themselves. so far I do not have to make assumptions about you, you are showing who you are quite well all by yourself. as for teatotaler wanna be, not me not ever. however I have grown and matured and can now understand why any kind of drinking while in control of any kind of vehicle is wrong. one day you may do the same. as for hitting a nerve you could not hit a nerve if it was a barn door. it is not like you are someone whos opinion means something to me. anyway you have a good day and I will wish you luck. luck so that you will not have any kind of accident while drinking that costs a life of someone of value.
Even the RCMP doesn't agree:

Staff Sgt. Peter Attrell, who works in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s West Coast Marine Services detachment in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, acknowledges that boats fall under a “grey area” when it comes to drinking in public places.

Whether or not a police officer charges a boater found drinking on a boat that doesn’t meet the criteria, Attrell says, really depends on the situation. A family out for the day in their runabout with a case of beer, minding their own business? Likely won’t be a problem.

“I might say, ‘Be careful with that, put your life jacket on,’” Attrell says. “If I get the right response, I walk away and everyone’s happy.”

But a few guys out fishing, whooping it up loudly in a 16-footer — they’re asking for trouble, he says. “If you’ve got it in your hand and you’re flaunting it, you’re guaranteed to have it seized.”

“It’s not just responsible consumption, it’s knowing what’s a hot issue in a particular area,” Attrell says. “If you’re up in Hartley Bay in the Prince Rupert area, nobody’s going to bother you. We’re not boarding every single boat in an area like that.”

source: http://threesheetsnw.com/blog/2010/06/drinking-and-boating-in-b-c-better-check-the-rules/

There's a difference between illegal and unethical - even the RCMP understands that.

Do you honestly believe that having a beer while trolling around is unethical or dangerous?

What about the WEED? I'd love to hear your thoughts on marijuana consumption :)
Whoa! I wasn't going to reply but I can't help myself. Clearly I did hit a nerve or you wouldn't be responding so vehemently. If you think you can whine and complain enough to make people change what is a tradition for many( even if it is against the law) it's never going to happen. I stand behind my words.
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And I'd like to add that as mentioned previously, the law is open to interpretation, and can be changed. Open your eyes it's 2015 as you so often remind is. Look at marijuana, all kinds of laws around that. People still use it and sell it the city of Vancouver totally ignores that. How's that make you feel? Raging I bet. I'm done with this. Can't make a blind man see.